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compass 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 compass

jacket 1.1.1

Manage multiple css builds from a single stylesheet

28,051 下载

compass-pug 0.2.0

Pug is a collection of mixins and functions for use in Sass/Compass projects. It provid...

28,033 下载

respondsass 1.1

Respondsass - Configurable responsive framework for Sass and Compass

27,775 下载

embork 0.0.13

A tool set for building ember apps.

27,757 下载

compass-vgrid-plugin 0.4.2

A Compass compatible SASS port of the Variable Grid System by Spry Soft (http://www.spr...

27,720 下载

zazz 0.0.8

The zazz gem provides an ever-growing collection of Sass mixins to solve layout problem...

27,428 下载

prophecy 0.2.7

Book boilerplate to generate books as EPUB, MOBI, and PDF from simple Markdown text...

27,284 下载

catscope 0.1.6

Catscope is an on-demand web-based file browser.

27,277 下载

microservice_precompiler 1.0.4

The microservice precompiler uses a handful of technologies to compile Javascripts and ...

27,258 下载

soca 0.3.3

soca is a different way of writing apps for CouchDB. The structure is up to you.

27,063 下载

hercules 0.2.6

Very simple deployment tool. It was made to deploy rails applications using github, bun...

26,764 下载

turquoise 0.0.8

Creates the optimal file structure to start a new Rails project.

26,657 下载

3d-ribbon 0.2.0

3D ribbons using only CSS - for compass

26,595 下载

meyer-reset 2.0.1

Eric Meyer CSS reset in Sass

26,576 下载

compass-less-plugin 1.0

Less Framework is a cross-device CSS grid system based on using inline media queries.

25,657 下载

benoit 0.4.0

The CLI interface behind the Benoit Mac app

25,600 下载

breakup 1.0.2

Build multiple stylesheets based off globally defined breakpoints

25,544 下载

compass-magick 0.1.6

Dynamic image generation for Compass using ChunkyPNG/PhantomJS.

25,370 下载

compass-thesquaregrid 0.0.6

The Square Grid - A simple CSS framework for designers and developers, based on 35 equa...

25,055 下载

compass_formalize 0.0.5

Compass and Sass port of Nathan Smith's Formalize HTML form normalizer.

24,979 下载

goldencobra 2.3.4

This is the basic module of Golden Cobra. It offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an article mod...

24,909 下载

rbbt-views 2.0.2

Rest and HTML interface

24,824 下载

curse-frontend 1.1.0

This is the bundle of libraries that Curse uses to install all dependencies for front-e...

24,294 下载

handysass 0.2.1

A basic utility kit with handy mixins and classes for Compass.

24,239 下载

compass-grid-plugin 0.0.6

Compass grid extension inspired by the 1KB CSS Grid. Supports fixed and fluid grids. De...

24,040 下载

compass-aurora-os 0.3.2

Aurora Subthemes!

23,912 下载


Highly configurable CSS Framework written in Sass.

23,910 下载

font_awesome-sass-rails 2.2.2

Use Font Awesome in your Rails app :)

23,569 下载

html5-starter 0.3.1

A Compass extension based on HTML5 Boilerplate at

23,483 下载

web_assets 0.0.9

Asset pipeline CLI to be executed from a different language.

23,439 下载

下载总量 43,903,522

这个版本 27,333,608


需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
