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convenient_service 0.19.1

Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focusing on the unique, opinionated, moderately obtrusive, but not mandatory features.

= Copier Copié!



  1. 0.19.1 - July 27, 2024 (162 ko)
  2. 0.19.0 - June 08, 2024 (162 ko)
  3. 0.18.0 - March 11, 2024 (155 ko)
  4. 0.17.0 - January 15, 2024 (670 ko)
  5. 0.16.0 - December 06, 2023 (665 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (23)

Dépendances de Development (47):

amazing_print ~> 1.5.0
appraisal ~> 2.5.0
awesome_print ~> 1.9.2
base64 >= 0
benchmark-ips ~> 2.12.0
benchmark-memory ~> 0.2.0
break >= 0
byebug ~> 10.0
commonmarker ~> 0.23.10
debug >= 0
diffy ~> 3.4.0
faker >= 0
ffi ~> 1.16.0
inch >= 0
interactor ~> 3.1.2
json >= 0
light-service ~> 0.18.0
minitest ~> 5.18.0
mutations ~> 0.9.1
mutex_m >= 0
paint >= 0
rake ~> 12.0
rerun >= 0
rouge >= 0
rspec ~> 3.11.0
rspec-benchmark ~> 0.6.0
rubocop ~> 1.61.0
rubocop-rspec ~> 2.27.0
service_actor ~> 3.7.0
shoulda-context ~> 2.0.0
simplecov >= 0
stackprof ~> 0.2.25
standard ~> 1.34.0
tty-prompt >= 0
uri ~> 0.13.0
webrick >= 0
yard ~> 0.9.34
yard-junk ~> 0.0.9


Pushed by:


  • Marian Kostyk

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

= Copier Copié!

Total de téléchargements 25 999

Pour cette version 191

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0
