Dépendances inversées pour corundum Latest version of the following gems require corundum
rspec-steps 2.1.1
A minimal implementation of integration testing within RSpec. Allows you to build seq...
308 199 Téléchargements
corundum 0.6.3
A corundum is a synthetic gemstone - including synthetic rubies. Ergo: a tool for sy...
163 297 Téléchargements
mattock 0.10.1
If Rake won't do it by itself, you oughtta Mattock. If you survived the pun, you mig...
125 602 Téléchargements
valise 1.2.1
Valise provides an API for accessing configuration and data files for your applicatio...
99 495 Téléchargements
our-eel-hacks 0.1.1
Middleware for Rack and Sidekiq to scale heroku. A heroku process knows everything i...
56 603 Téléchargements
simplecov-vim 0.0.1
Defines a formatter that emits a vim script to mark up code with coverage data: refac...
33 829 Téléchargements
logical-insight 0.4.7
Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware. Rails 3 compati...
30 689 Téléchargements
logical-construct 0.1.0
Like Vagrant? Missing AWS? Here you go. Limited Rakefiles to do something like that.
21 553 Téléchargements
two-step 1.0
I don't like Cucumber. I don't need plain text stories. My clients either read code...
4 419 Téléchargements
word-bloom 0.1
Guesses the natural language of a text sample based on bloom filter matches of words in...
4 177 Téléchargements