Dépendances inversées pour cucumber-rails-training-wheels Latest version of the following gems require cucumber-rails-training-wheels
voluntary 0.7.1
#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails: http://bit.ly/voluntary-0-7-1
51 720 Téléchargements
voluntary_text_creation 0.2.0
#Crowdsourcing system voluntary plugin: http://bit.ly/vtc-0-2-0
16 900 Téléchargements
voluntary_classified_advertisement 0.3.1
Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software: http://bit.ly/vca-0-3-1
12 935 Téléchargements
voluntary-ember_js 0.1.0
Ember.js support for #crowdsourcing management system voluntary: bit.ly/vej-0-1-0
12 641 Téléchargements
voluntary_music_metadata_enrichment 0.2.0
Importer, year in reviews, videos, etc. - changes: bit.ly/vmme-0-2-0
10 253 Téléchargements
voluntary_translation 0.2.0
Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software: http://bit.ly/vt-0-2-0
8 569 Téléchargements
voluntary_survey 0.1.1
Surveys plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary: http://bit.ly/vsy-0-1-1
7 687 Téléchargements
voluntary_scholarship 0.1.0
Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software: http://bit.ly/vs-0-1-0
6 012 Téléchargements
voluntary_recruiting 0.1.0
#Crowdsourcing gem voluntary's recruiting plugin: http://bit.ly/vrec-0-1-0
5 901 Téléchargements
voluntary_ranking 0.1.0
Ranking plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary: http://bit.ly/vr-0-1-0
5 797 Téléchargements
voluntary_feedback 0.1.0
Feedback plugin for #Crowdsourcing gem voluntary: http://bit.ly/vf-0-1-0
5 615 Téléchargements
voluntary_brainstorming 0.0.2
Brainstorming plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary: http://bit.ly/vb-0-0-2
5 615 Téléchargements