RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para daru La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren daru

statsample 2.1.0

A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...

666.229 Descargas

statsample-bivariate-extension 1.2.0

Polychoric and Tetrachoric extensions for Statsample::Bivariate.

145.416 Descargas

charty 0.2.13

Visualizing your data in a simple way.

138.499 Descargas

daru-data_tables 0.3.5

Ruby gem for the jQuery Javascript library Datatables

108.356 Descargas

jupyter_on_rails 0.13.0

Utilities for integrating jupyter and rails.

107.283 Descargas

daru-view 0.2.6

Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualizatio...

94.492 Descargas

gnuplotrb 0.4.0

Renewed ruby bindings for gnuplot. Started at GSoC 2015.

38.676 Descargas

yquotes 2.1.0

Get historical quotes from Yahoo Finance

25.579 Descargas

sciruby-full 0.2.11

Scientific gems for Ruby. This is the full installation with rigid version constraints.

25.206 Descargas

statsample-glm 0.2.1

Statsample-GLM is an extension to Statsample, an advance statistics suite in Ruby. Th...

20.556 Descargas


A simple way to Open .csv, .xls, .xlsx files. You can convert it to 2D array, hash, dat...

19.021 Descargas

octool 0.0.12

Open Compliance Toolkit

17.206 Descargas

u-mann-whitney 0.2.1

Non-parametric test for assessing whether two independent samples of observations come ...

16.725 Descargas

daru-io 0.1.0

Daru-IO is a plugin-gem to Daru gem, which stands for Data Analysis in RUby. Daru-IO ex...

14.497 Descargas

statsample-timeseries 0.3.0

Various functions for time series analysis.

12.629 Descargas

xlearn 0.1.5

High performance factorization machines for Ruby

9.797 Descargas

daru-td 0.2.0

Interactive data analysis with Daru and Treasure Data.

7.452 Descargas

daru_plotly 0.1.2

DEPRECATED: This gem has moved to 'daru-plotly'.

6.156 Descargas

mixed_models 0.1.1

Fit statistical (linear) models with fixed and mixed (random) effects in Ruby

6.089 Descargas

chakin-rb 0.1.2

A port of the python chakin library that downloads pre-trained word vectors without muc...

5.272 Descargas

lurn 0.1.2

A gem with tools for machine learning.

4.646 Descargas

rubydown 0.2.0

rubydown is R Markdown clone for Rubyists.

4.293 Descargas

daru-apiclient 0.0.2

Get JSON data from RestAPI with httparty and create Daru::DataFrame.

3.736 Descargas

daru-plotly 0.2.0

Draw graph with daru

3.148 Descargas


A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby

2.828 Descargas

red-datasets-daru 0.1.0

Red Datasets Daru adds `#to_daru` method to each dataset in Red Datasets. Using this m...

2.387 Descargas

yomise 0.1.0

A simple way to Open .csv, .xls, .xlsx files. You can convert it to 2D array, hash, dat...

300 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.978.086

Para esta versión 1.279.238



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
