RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para date La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren date

net-imap 0.5.6

Ruby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol

181.993.340 Descargas

psych 5.2.3

Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[

95.819.177 Descargas

psych 5.2.3

Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[

95.819.177 Descargas

citeproc 1.1.0

A cite processor interface for Citation Style Language (CSL) styles.

1.447.436 Descargas

j1-template 2024.3.19

J1 Theme is a gem-based, clean, responsive and fully featured template made for Jekyll

233.217 Descargas

vagrant-butcher 2.3.1

Delete Chef client and node when destroying Vagrant VM

173.368 Descargas

roda-i18n 0.6.0

The Roda-i18n plugin enables easy addition of internationalisation (i18n) and localisat...

43.574 Descargas

phoseum-cli 0.0.30

The client for use with Phoseum system

37.411 Descargas

freewifi 0.2.10

description for my gem

30.781 Descargas

github_repo_statistics 2.3.26

This gem prints git ownership insights

25.711 Descargas

redsafe 0.1.6

Red Safe is a conveyor belt to get your web-based project on a fast roll.

25.571 Descargas

parroquia 1.1.41

Servicio Parroquial San Judas Tadeo

21.110 Descargas

caretaker 0.8.5

A gem for automatically generating a from git log.

18.727 Descargas

caretaker 0.8.5

A gem for automatically generating a from git log.

18.727 Descargas

renamr 1.0.12

Renamr organises multiple files and directories.

12.416 Descargas

winds-up-client 0.0.7

Allows to access on the CLI

11.186 Descargas

hg_date_breakup 1.0.5

Feed in 2 dates and get a breakup of dates grouped in years, months, weeks & days

10.397 Descargas

open-build-service-api 0.3.0

The Open Build Service API wrapped into a Ruby gem.

10.311 Descargas

bentrackergem 0.0.3

Leverages FitBit and GitHub to track fitness and code; messages can be input via the co...

9.910 Descargas

easy_ml 0.1.4

High level plug-and-play interface for composing Machine Learning applications

9.339 Descargas


A Ruby gem for interacting with bsky/atproto

8.272 Descargas

git_ownership_insights 2.0.8

This gem prints git ownership insights

7.427 Descargas

logm 0.0.5

A simple logmerge utility

7.286 Descargas

custom_tracker 1.1.0

A small gem to track custom events and export saved data

6.382 Descargas

bskyrb 0.5.3

A Ruby gem for interacting with bsky/atproto

5.956 Descargas

yui_rest_client 0.5.3

Client to operate controls for libyui applications.

5.843 Descargas

flags_sdk_ort 0.0.2

This gem provides convinient methods for evaluating flags for the app https://featurefl...

5.386 Descargas

flags_sdk_ort 0.0.2

This gem provides convinient methods for evaluating flags for the app https://featurefl...

5.386 Descargas

wikinotizie 1.0.2

Parser di date per il template data di Wikinotizie

4.908 Descargas

write_invoice 0.1.83

Highly customizable invoice builder for ruby with bulk and example functions for fast p...

4.906 Descargas

Total de descargas 119.434.050

Para esta versión 14.474.413

Versión publicada:


Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6.0
