debase 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 debase
apollo-studio-tracing 1.1.0
A Ruby implementation of Apollo GraphQL Studio tracing
78,249 下載
wc-essentials 0.1.0
Gem to provide essential and commonly used helpers to all WorkCompass projects.
66,419 下載
serverspec_launcher 0.8.0
A utility to manage serverspec scripts
57,867 下載
tdl-client-ruby 0.29.5
A ruby client to connect to the kata server
52,253 下載
fastlane-plugin-testdroid_runner 1.0.3
Allows to run BitBar tests on fastlane
48,607 下載
wordless 2.2.0
The quickest CLI tool to setup a new WordPress locally. Wordless ready.
45,954 下載
aws_pocketknife 0.1.28
Have you ever find yourself going through the aws cli documentation page over and over ...
45,850 下載
fog-proxmox 0.15.1
This library can be used as a module for `fog`.
44,980 下載
metal_archives 3.2.0
Ruby API layer that transparently queries, scrapes and caches Metal Archives' website
44,735 下載
ios_icon_generator 0.1.3
Generates icons based and apply masks to them easily.
43,675 下載
contextio-lite 0.0.4
Short implementation of a client rest API for the Context.IO Lite API
41,544 下載
rubyneat 0.5.3
RubyNEAT -- Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies for Ruby. By way of an enhanced...
30,857 下載
redox-client 0.7.0
Ruby library for consuming Redox JSON APIs
25,214 下載
nistbib 0.1.9
NistBib: retrive NIST standards.
24,775 下載
cotton-tail 0.7.0
Simply and easily add AMQP messaging capabilities to your ser...
19,762 下載
granule 0.1.8
Opinionated Rails App Bootstrapper aimed to even faster prototyping
17,678 下載
nintendo_eshop 0.2.1
When I want to check the price of a game on the Nintendo eShop I want to search Nintend...
15,109 下載
shunting_yard 0.2.0
ShuntingYard algorithm implementation
14,608 下載
cpp_dependency_graph 0.4.2
Generates interactive dependency visualisations (dot, d3.js) to study the architecture ...
11,990 下載
active_brainz 0.3.1
ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database
10,557 下載
dinja 2.0.0
Dinja, Dependency Injection Ninja allows you to decouple abstractions from implementations
7,986 下載
osgeo-termbase 0.1.0
Build scripts for the OSGeo Termbase
7,328 下載
apple_store_inventory_checker 0.1.1
Apple has a habit of failing to provide enough supply to meet demand early in a product...
7,108 下載
vcs4sql 0.1.1
In the last few years, version control for database became best practice. There are sev...
5,713 下載
jekyll_bootstrap5_tabs 1.1.2
This Jekyll plugin enables Bootstrap 5 tabs in Jekyll 4 websites. Two new Liquid tags a...
4,581 下載
heremaps 0.2.0
This `ruby gem` provide the functionality to integrate with HERE Maps API, SEARCH (PLAC...
4,332 下載
hatt 0.0.2
convention based approach to interfacing with an HTTP JSON API.
4,256 下載
calificador 0.2.0
Concise and readable unit tests
4,046 下載
bitswarmbox 1.0.0.pre18
boxes takes the complexity out of building custom Vagrant boxes. It's a command li...
3,936 下載
ituBib 0.1.1
ItuBib: retrieve ITU Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model
3,760 下載