debugger 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 debugger
oink 0.10.1
Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size
5,192,275 下载
pry-debugger 0.2.3
Combine 'pry' with 'debugger'. Adds 'step', 'next', and 'continue' commands to control ...
1,906,146 下载
hogan_assets 1.6.0
Use compiled hogan.js (mustache) JavaScript templates with sprockets and the Rails asse...
762,122 下载
thor-scmversion 1.7.0
Thor tasks to manage a VERSION file based on SCM tags
699,451 下载
social_stream 2.2.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine for building social network websites. It suppor...
526,823 下载
scraperwiki 3.0.2
A library for scraping web pages and saving data easily
387,171 下载
social_stream-presence 2.2.1
Social Stream Presence provides everything you need for including presence, instant mes...
230,371 下载
avatars_for_rails 1.1.4
A Rails engine that allows any model to act as avatarable, permitting it to have a comp...
194,439 下载
safe_cookies 0.2.2
Make all cookies `secure` and `HttpOnly`.
154,200 下载
no_notifier_needed 2.4.5
A work in progress: Replace ActionMailer::Base class redundency. Temlating using haml o...
134,066 下载
hash_dealer 1.6.2
Like Factory Girl but for Hashes only
126,764 下载
facebook-stub is a gem for stubbing out the Facebook JavaScript API in acceptance and i...
124,106 下载
call_with_params 0.0.2
Call a Proc with an arbitrary number of params. The Proc will only be passed the number...
113,335 下载
page_object_wrapper 1.6.1
Wraps watir-webdriver with convenient testing interface, based on PageObjects automatio...
110,854 下载
pg_power 2.0.3
ActiveRecord extensions for PostgreSQL. Provides useful tools for schema, foreign_key, ...
104,094 下载
conductor 0.9.4
Conductor is the bastard child of a/b testing and personalization. It throws everythin...
100,740 下载
dm-parse 0.3.20
An extension to make DataMapper working on
91,629 下载
link-checker 0.7.2
A Ruby gem for checking the links in a web site. Can either scan files or crawl pages. ...
90,428 下载
adyen-admin 0.0.18
A little Gem to make your life easier when dealing with Adyen skins
86,172 下载
walmart_open 0.1.3
Ruby implementation for Walmart Open API.
83,558 下载
testrail 0.0.3
A Ruby client that tries to match TestRail's API one-to-one, while still providing ...
78,799 下载
mince 2.3.0
Library to interact with databases, not tied to rails, and not tied to active record pa...
78,375 下载
lobby 0.0.27
Lightweight authentication for my projects
76,642 下载
git-storyid 0.5.2
Helps include pivotal story id and description in commit
75,954 下载
hashy_db 2.1.0
Ruby library to interact with in-memory hash database collections. Offers very little t...
72,711 下载
DateSetter 1.4.2
It sets a random date in given range
70,782 下载
openagent 0.9.9
OpenAgent - SIF ADK (SIF Agent Development Kit)
65,881 下载
hashie-model 1.4.2
Hashie2 + ActiveModel 3, offering declared properties, validations, JSON serialization/...
61,699 下载
hentry_consumer 0.8.3
A microformats 2 h-entry parser. Fully Deprecated. Please see:
60,888 下载
pullentity-client 0.3.9
Pullentity client for build sites
60,549 下载