RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para debugger La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren debugger

streamsend 0.2.3

Ruby wrapper for the StreamSend API.

57.660 Descargas

rails_engine_decorators 1.0.0

Extend Rails Engine's business logic (models, controllers, helpers, etc.) easily from y...

53.376 Descargas

gless 3.0.0

This gem attempts to provide a more robust model for web application testing, on top of...

50.861 Descargas

fyuk 0.6.8

Small library with methods for finding the financial or fiscal year for a particular da...

50.409 Descargas

natives 0.6.2

Lookup native package dependencies required by gems on your machine.

50.304 Descargas

link_to_action 0.3.0

link_to for specific actions

50.152 Descargas

document_hash 0.0.16

Implements a multi-level nested document, that notifies about changes, and some other r...

48.162 Descargas

drafter 0.3.2


47.740 Descargas

redvine 0.2

A client for the unofficial Vine API.

46.257 Descargas

mr_clean 0.1.2

A plain ruby library for filtering profanity, spam and such based on black listed words

46.235 Descargas

url_validator 0.1.0

URL validator with normalize URL from different charset

45.812 Descargas

means 1.2.5

Calculates the different means for a data set (arithmetic, geometric and harmonic).

45.599 Descargas

bixby-client 0.5.3

Bixby Client

45.559 Descargas

a_a_n 0.2.6

Whenever you need assign an association by its attribute, like name, this gem comes to...

44.822 Descargas

syrup 0.0.14

Simple account balance and transactions extractor by scraping bank websites.

42.404 Descargas

acts_as_user 1.2.6

A ruby gem to handle multiple user roles on a Rails app, it also has Devise support

41.818 Descargas

twuckoo 0.5.4

A simple yet elegant solution to tweet a message regularly from a store (file, webpage,...

41.556 Descargas

yaml_properties 0.0.11

Easily add configurable variables for app config using YAML files

40.059 Descargas

smartgen 0.6.1

Smartgen generates static HTML files from markup files, using textile or markdown, and ...

39.896 Descargas

elastic_queue 0.1.0

A library for storing and filtering documents on elastic search with a queue paradigm f...

39.371 Descargas

orchestrated 0.0.14

a workflow orchestration framework running on delayed_job and active_record

39.105 Descargas

uorm 0.0.15

A modular, flexible and lightweight ORM

38.912 Descargas

dm-postgis 2.0.1

Adds DMGeometry type to DataMapper that uses GeoRuby for (de)serializing Geometry types...

38.662 Descargas

ki_middleman 1.0.0

Transforms JSON into other JSON

37.706 Descargas

captify 1.0.2

Capistrano capify with canned templates.

37.529 Descargas

control 0.9.2

State Machine integrated with ActiveRecord

36.566 Descargas

rafters 1.2.1

Rafters lets you think about each page of your application as a collection of small pie...

36.359 Descargas

smarter_dates 0.2.15

Humans want to think of date and datetime attributes in a natural manner. Standard ruby...

35.793 Descargas

debugger-pry 0.1.1

This gem adds a 'pry' command to invoke Pry in the current context.

35.776 Descargas

memor 0.3.0

memoize function without alias method chain

35.578 Descargas

Total de descargas 5.535.487

Para esta versión 2.003.799



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.3.6
