Dependencias inversas para decidim La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren decidim
decidim-idcat_mobil 0.4.0
User registration, login and verification though VÀLid's IdCat mòbil..
14.924 Descargas
decidim-cdtb 0.4.1
A gem to help managing Decidim applications.
4.255 Descargas
decidim-verify_wo_registration 0.3.0
Adds the hability for proposals and budgets components to allow users to give support w...
1.451 Descargas
Census uploads via csv files
1.418 Descargas
decidim-department_admin 0.8.1
This Dedicim's module produces a new "department admin" role which restricts the permis...
627 Descargas
decidim-verifications-members_picker 0.1.1
The Admin is able to hand-pick which emails are allowed to participate from the compone...
619 Descargas
decidim-survey_results 0.0.2
This module enables the admins to show survey results to participants though a new surv...
584 Descargas
decidim-challenges 0.5.1
Articulates the collective action of diverse actors in order to address shared challeng...
310 Descargas