RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para devise-encryptable La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren devise-encryptable

solidus_auth_devise 2.5.9

Provides authentication and authorization services for use with Solidus by using Devise...

2.801.211 Descargas

spree_auth_devise 4.6.3

Provides authentication and authorization services for use with Spree by using Devise a...

1.216.445 Descargas

locomotive_cms 2.5.7

LocomotiveCMS is a next generation CMS system with sexy admin tools, liquid templating,...

242.470 Descargas

fat_free_crm 0.22.1

An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform

95.177 Descargas

locomotivecms 4.1.1

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

87.787 Descargas

devise-scrypt 1.0.0

A devise-encryptable password encryptor that uses SCrypt

67.803 Descargas

voluntary 0.7.1

#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails:

50.582 Descargas

bcrypt_hmac 0.2.0

Devise BCrypt + SHA256-HMAC Encryptor

48.281 Descargas

citygate 0.1.1

Citygate is an Engine that provides user model with sign up and log in, admin backend f...

40.758 Descargas

ibrain-auth 0.3.20

Its Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.

31.044 Descargas

devise_wind 1.0.3

some stuff

29.533 Descargas

droom 0.5.3

Droom is nice and clean.

19.629 Descargas

devise-drupal 0.0.3

Drupal Hash implementation for Devise Encryptable

11.511 Descargas


Provides authentication and authorization services for use with Solidus by using Devise...

9.283 Descargas

tribeca_cms 0.1.1

A custom modification of locomotive

6.352 Descargas

sapna_gale_test_auth_devise 1.0.1

Provides authentication and authorization services for use with sapna_gale_test by usin...

5.457 Descargas

kolach_locomotive_cms 2.0.0.rc13

This is a Devise version dependency bug patched Locomotive CMS v2.0.0.rc12. Devise upda...

4.541 Descargas

devise-encryptable-mysql-aes 0.0.1

AES encryption plugin for devise. Encrypt in such a way that the results work with MySQ...

3.977 Descargas

omnisand 0.0.1

Simple Devise + Omniauth Bridge Engine

3.577 Descargas

devise_encryptable_aes 0.0.6

Add AES encryption support for Devise

2.432 Descargas

translation_cms 0.1.5

Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)

2.084 Descargas

sams-locomotivecms 4.0.4

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

2.068 Descargas

monterail-devise-argon2 1.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

1.677 Descargas

its-ruby-auth 0.0.1

Its Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.

263 Descargas

Total de descargas 11.505.661

Para esta versión 9.847.420

Versión publicada:


Apache 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
