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devise-radius-authenticatable 0.0.4

A new authentication strategy named radius_authenticatable is added to the list of warden strategies when the model requests it. The radius server information is configured through the devise initializer. When a user attempts to authenticate via radius, the radiustar gem is used to perform the authentication with the radius server. This authentication strategy can be used in place of the database_authenticatable or alongside it depending on the needs of the application.

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  1. 0.0.6 - September 12, 2013 (44 KB)
  2. 0.0.5 - September 08, 2013 (44 KB)
  3. 0.0.4 - January 27, 2013 (43.5 KB)
  4. 0.0.3 - July 23, 2012 (43.5 KB)
  5. 0.0.2 - July 21, 2012 (42.5 KB)
Show all versions (6 total)

Runtime Dependencies (2):

devise ~> 2.0
radiustar ~> 0.0.6

Development Dependencies (10):

ammeter ~> 0.2
capybara ~> 1.1
factory_girl ~> 3.4
jquery-rails ~> 2.0
launchy >= 0
rails ~> 3.2
rake ~> 0.9
rspec ~> 2.10
rspec-rails ~> 2.10
sqlite3 ~> 1.3



  • Calvin Bascom

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 25,137

For this version 7,177

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: None
