disposable 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 disposable
reform 2.6.2
Form object decoupled from models.
7,952,490 下載
stellar_base-rails 4.2.2
API Endpoints for the Stellar Protocol
73,458 下載
activeadmin-reform 1.1.0
Provides ability to use form object in your ActiveAdmin application
65,682 下載
bloom_remit 0.13.0
Rails engine for Bloom Remit users
44,021 下載
tyrant 0.0.3
Agnostic authorization component for Trailblazer.
10,757 下載
cells-jamie 4.0.0.alpha1
Cells replace partials and helpers with OOP view models, giving you proper encapsulatio...
2,344 下載