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ditz 0.1

Ditz is a simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker designed to work with distributed version control systems like darcs and git. Ditz maintains an issue database file on disk, written in a line-based and human-editable format. This file can be kept under version control alongside project code, and issue state change can then be handled like code changes: modified as part of a commit, merged with other state changes from other developers, conflict-resolved in the standard manner, etc. Ditz provides a simple, console-based interface for creating and updating the issue database file, and some rudimentary HTML generation capabilities for producing world-readable status pages. It offers no central public method of bug submission. # where am i? 4. ditz status 5. ditz todo # do work 6. write code 7. ditz close <issue-id> 8. commit 9. goto 3 # finished! 10. ditz release <release-name> == THE DITZ DATA MODEL Ditz includes the bare minimum set of features necessary for open-source development. Features like time spent, priority, assignment of tasks to developers, due dates, etc. are purposely excluded. A ditz project consists of issues, releases and components. Issues: Issues are the fundamental currency of issue tracking. A ditz issue is either a feature or a bug, but this distinction doesn't affect anything other than how they're displayed. Each issue belongs to exactly one component, and is part of zero or one releases. Each issues has an exportable id, in the form of 40 random hex characters. This id is "guaranteed" to be unique across all possible issues and developers, present and future. Issue ids are typically not exposed to the user. Issues also have a non-exportable name, which is short and human-readable. All ditz commands use issue names instead of issue ids. Issue ids may change in certain circumstances, specifically after a "ditz drop" command.




  1. 0.5 - August 20, 2008* (77 KB)
  2. 0.4 - July 27, 2008* (27,5 KB)
  3. 0.3 - June 04, 2008* (24 KB)
  4. 0.2 - April 11, 2008* (20,5 KB)
  5. 0.1.2 - April 04, 2008* (18,5 KB)
  6. 0.1 - April 02, 2008* (19 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (7)

Runtime Dependencies (1):

trollop >= 1.7



  • William Morgan

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 34.259

Desta versão 4.130

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: Nenhum
