RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dm-aggregates La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dm-aggregates

data_mapper 1.2.0

Faster, Better, Simpler.

1.669.604 Descargas

engineyard-cloud-client 2.1.1

This gem connects to the EY Cloud API

679.899 Descargas

datamapper 1.2.0

Faster, Better, Simpler.

476.753 Descargas

dm-persevere-adapter 0.72.0

A DataMapper Adapter for persevere

225.507 Descargas

merb-admin 0.8.8

MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data

167.333 Descargas

dm-pager 1.1.0

DataMapper Pagination

149.049 Descargas

dm-chunked_query 0.3.1

Allows performing chunked queries on DataMapper Models or Collections.

116.555 Descargas

ncs_mdes_warehouse 0.14.0

Scripts and models for building and maintaining the MDES-based reporting warehouse for ...

93.363 Descargas

firefly 1.5.3

Firefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...

89.014 Descargas

dm-sql-finders 0.0.3

dm-sql-finders add #by_sql to your DataMapper models and provides a clean mechanism for...

83.067 Descargas

tmin 0.2.6

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

67.942 Descargas


Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

52.284 Descargas

sunspot_index_queue 1.1.4

This gem provides asynchronous indexing to Solr for the sunspot gem. It uses a pluggabl...

35.280 Descargas

sinmetrics 0.0.9

A full-featured metrics extension for the sinatra webapp framework

33.586 Descargas

emipair-merb_global 0.0.12

Localization (L10n) and Internationalization (i18n) support for the Merb MVC Framework

29.162 Descargas

ixtlan-remote 0.2.0

helper sync data between miniapps or communicate wth realtime rest-services

28.450 Descargas

dm-extjs 0.1.6

A DataMapper plugin that will serialize and provide meta data descriptions for resource...

27.091 Descargas

dm-adapter-simpledb 1.5.0

A DataMapper adapter for Amazon's SimpleDB service. Features: * Full set of CRUD ope...

26.311 Descargas

mason-server 0.0.5

builds things

24.142 Descargas

dm-datastore-adapter 0.2.4

This is a DataMapper adapter to DataStore of Google App Engine.

21.910 Descargas

js-client-bridge 0.1.6

Little library that encapsulates a (particular) standardised way of talking between a s...

21.811 Descargas

entp-astrotrain 0.4.3

email => http post

21.634 Descargas

dm-svn 0.2.4

dm-svn allows you to store data in a Subversion repository, then sync that data to a Da...

21.356 Descargas

genki-dm-is-taggable 0.1.7

Tagging implementation for DataMapper

21.308 Descargas

dm-is-awesome_set 1.0.1

A library that lets any datamapper model act like a nested set

20.967 Descargas

dm-is-friendly 1.1.15

DataMapper plugin that adds self-referential friendship functionality to your models.

20.367 Descargas

karottenreibe-qwicky 0.0.7

Qwicky is a REALLY small wiki implementation using Sinatra, DataMapper and SQLite3.

17.705 Descargas

topprospect-delayed_job 2.0.9

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

16.227 Descargas


Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

15.824 Descargas

tmin_test 0.0.5

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

15.794 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.343.367

Para esta versión 1.990.871



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
