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Dépendances inversées pour dm-postgres-adapter Latest version of the following gems require dm-postgres-adapter

ncs_mdes_warehouse 0.14.0

Scripts and models for building and maintaining the MDES-based reporting warehouse for ...

93 317 Téléchargements

dm-postgres-types 0.0.6

Adds support for native PostgreSQL datatypes, including JSON, HSTORE, and Array to Data...

80 987 Téléchargements

dm-postgis 2.0.1

Adds DMGeometry type to DataMapper that uses GeoRuby for (de)serializing Geometry types...

38 758 Téléchargements

dm-is-reflective 1.3.2

DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...

35 143 Téléchargements

ircbot 0.2.2

An irc bot framework that offers easy-to-use by plugins

29 191 Téléchargements

sinatra_omniauth 1.3.0

This Sinatra extension, derived from omniauth_pure by Marcus Proske, adds OmniAuth auth...

28 569 Téléchargements

mason-server 0.0.5

builds things

24 126 Téléchargements

torquebox-stompbox 0.3.3

StompBox - Git-based deployment console for TorqueBox

19 305 Téléchargements

dm-pg-json 0.2.1

Adds support for the JSON datatype (available in PostgreSQL 9.3+) to DataMapper

15 067 Téléchargements

yogo-project 0.5.1

User configurable data layer for Yogo

14 678 Téléchargements

flexquery_datastore 0.1.4

This gem is for the DataStore product offered by FlexQuery ( It prov...

11 693 Téléchargements

yogo-db 0.5.0

Restful interface to yogo data components

11 328 Téléchargements

accounts 0.0.1

Accounts::Server defines the following paths for your web-app: * POST '/logon' * POST ...

10 523 Téléchargements

dm-hstore 0.0.3

Provides a new HStore property type.

10 387 Téléchargements

dm-pg-types 0.8.2

DataMapper plugin providing HSTORE and ARRAY datatype support for postgres

10 353 Téléchargements

dm-pg-types 0.8.2

DataMapper plugin providing HSTORE and ARRAY datatype support for postgres

10 353 Téléchargements

ptj 0.1.1

An easy way to collect and analyze data about password databases.

7 359 Téléchargements

ptj 0.1.1

An easy way to collect and analyze data about password databases.

7 359 Téléchargements

tentd 0.0.1

Tent Protocol server reference implementation

5 294 Téléchargements

tent-status 0.0.1

Tent app for 140 character posts. Uses Sinatra/Sprockets + CoffeeScript

4 236 Téléchargements

classless_mud 0.0.1

Run your own server

3 398 Téléchargements

staticd 0.0.1

Staticd API and HTTP service to manage and serve staticd content over HTTP

3 145 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 1 069 362

Pour cette version 990 586



Version de Ruby requise: None
