RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour escape_utils Latest version of the following gems require escape_utils

elasticsearch-api 8.15.0

Ruby API for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

162 456 521 Téléchargements

graphql-docs 5.0.0

Library and CLI for generating a website from a GraphQL API's schema definition. Wi...

24 524 364 Téléchargements

csvlint 1.4.0

CSV Validator

1 386 903 Téléchargements

xmlhasher 1.0.7

Fast XML to Ruby Hash converter

301 843 Téléchargements

gitlab-linguist 3.0.1

GitLab Language detection

249 165 Téléchargements

faml 0.8.1

Faster implementation of Haml template language.

205 143 Téléchargements

terminal 2.0.0

Converts ANSI to HTML

187 601 Téléchargements

classy_assets 0.14.5

Asset Pipeline for classy Sinatra (and/or Rack) apps

148 819 Téléchargements

opulent 1.8.5

Opulent is a templating engine which strives to make page markup as beautiful and expre...

127 789 Téléchargements

oversip 2.0.4

OverSIP is an async SIP proxy/server programmable in Ruby language. Some features of Ov...

107 696 Téléchargements

html-pipeline-linuxfr 0.15.7 HTML processing filters and utilities, adapted from those of GitHub

97 066 Téléchargements

firefly 1.5.3

Firefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...

90 162 Téléchargements

languages 2.0.0

Just the language names, details and colors from github-linguist

83 745 Téléchargements

tmin 0.2.6

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

69 030 Téléchargements

hcl 0.4.20

HCl is a command-line client for manipulating Harvest time sheets.

66 375 Téléchargements

markus 4.0.26

MarkUS - Markup UnderScore. Quick n' dirty templating in the spirit of markaby.

63 126 Téléchargements

diffed 0.0.16

This is a library for creating HTML from a unified diff string, built specifically for ...

58 482 Téléchargements

vimwiki_markdown 0.9.2

Converts a vimwiki markdown file to html. It parses [[links]] and has support for synt...

54 023 Téléchargements

Dex_Rack 0.2.3

It is a web-frontend for Dex. Update and view exceptions logged with the Dex gem.

51 588 Téléchargements

qeweney 0.18

Qeweney - cross library HTTP request / response API

45 030 Téléchargements

lydown 0.14.0

Lydown is a language and tool for music notation

37 843 Téléchargements

ghpreview 0.2.0

Command line utility for previewing Markdown files with Github styling

37 503 Téléchargements

html-pipeline-bungo 0.7.1

html/pipeline extension for writer.

34 705 Téléchargements

sinatra-tag-helpers 0.0.12

Tag helpers (links and input tags) for Sinatra

32 687 Téléchargements

escape_escape_escape 1.7.0

My way of escaping/encoding HTML with the proper entities.

30 908 Téléchargements

papercraft 1.2

Papercraft: component-based HTML templating for Ruby

27 707 Téléchargements

fast_haml 0.1.10

Faster implementation of Haml template language.

27 253 Téléchargements

Q 0.0.1

Fast, fun, east HTML generation from Ruby

27 158 Téléchargements

tzispa_utils 0.3.6

Utility classes used by Tzispa framework

26 951 Téléchargements

slack_markdown 0.4.1

Convert Slack message markdown to HTML.

25 878 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 48 118 284

Pour cette version 7 617 743

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5
