RubyGems Navigation menu

eth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 eth

magic-admin 1.0.0

The Magic Admin Ruby provides convenient ways for developers to interact with Magic API...

238,165 下載

ethereum.rb 2.5

Ethereum.rb is Ruby Ethereum client using the JSON-RPC interface. Provides interface fo...

215,917 下載

mixin_bot 1.1.0

An API wrapper for Mixin Nexwork

81,346 下載

etherlite 0.6.0

Ethereum integration for ruby on rails

50,244 下載

sila-ruby 0.0.33

Ruby implementation of the Sila API

44,276 下載

bip44 0.2.18

A ruby library to generate Ethereum addresses from a hierarchical deterministic wallet ...

39,719 下載

lato 3.7.2

A Rails engine that includes what you need to build a new project!

35,591 下載

indium 0.3.2

Library for querying/posting transactions from the Indium network

24,696 下載

bip44-extended 0.2.26

A ruby library to generate Ethereum addresses from a hierarchical deterministic wallet ...

19,874 下載

cryptocoin_payable 1.4.5

Cryptocurrency payment processor

18,588 下載

coin-address-validators 0.0.9

Validators for btc, bch, ltc, eth, xrp addresses

17,565 下載

siwe 2.0.0

with Ethereum library implementation

13,238 下載

dcp.rb 1.0.1

A gem which provides message signing functionality for DCP messages in Ruby. May be upd...

9,697 下載

silkey-sdk 0.1.0

Silkey SDK for Ruby.

7,983 下載

omniauth-ethereum 0.2.1

Authentication Strategy for OmniAuth to authenticate a user with an Ethereum account

3,577 下載

etherdev 0.1

A clean and simple development framework for Ethereum development and deployment

2,226 下載

evm_client 0.1.0

EvmClient is Ruby Ethereum client using the JSON-RPC interface. Provides interface for ...

2,137 下載

magiclink_admin_sdk 0.1.0

Admin SDK for

1,662 下載

omniauth-nft 0.1.0

OmniAuth strategy for authenticating via NFT ownership

1,411 下載

quorum_sdk 0.3.0

A API wrapper for Quorum

1,195 下載

coinbase-sdk 0.0.6

Coinbase Ruby SDK for accessing Coinbase Platform APIs

993 下載

evm-tx-input-decoder 0.1.1

This is a simple gem that helps decoding and encoding transactions input datafor EVM ba...

668 下載

總下載次數 1,038,659

這個版本 69,001



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7, < 4.0
