RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para factory_girl La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren factory_girl

restpack_activity_service 0.0.13

RestPack Activity Services

26.984 Descargas

tengine_job 1.2.2

tengine_job provides jobnet management

26.839 Descargas

data-com-api 0.2.1

Ruby bindings for API ( Salesforce, ex Jigsaw )

26.468 Descargas

signet-rails 0.0.9

A wrapper around the Google Signet OAuth Library

26.306 Descargas

mongo_batch 0.1.1

A library to iterate over entire Mongo collections or large queries exposing an API...

25.972 Descargas

warden_oauth_provider 1.0.7

Warden strategy for OAuth provider

25.892 Descargas

solidus_searchkick 0.3.4

Filters, suggests, autocompletes, sortings, searches

25.860 Descargas

attr_searchable 0.0.7

[DEPRECATION] 'attr_searchable' is deprecated. Migrate to 'search_cop' instead.

25.838 Descargas

spec_producer 0.13.0

This gem reads through the files of the rails app and produces as many specs as possible.

25.691 Descargas

ohio_state_person 0.3.6

requires fields: name_n, emplid; sets id to emplid.to_i; provides a search method; etc.

25.443 Descargas

spud_videos 1.0.1

This is a basic vide management admin tool for spud. Useful for allowing customers to a...

25.397 Descargas

event_sourced_accounting 0.2.6

The Event-Sourced Accounting plugin provides an event-sourced double entry accounting s...

25.274 Descargas

devise-radius-authenticatable 0.0.6

A new authentication strategy named radius_authenticatable is added to the list of ward...

25.169 Descargas

php-composer 0.4.5

A ruby gem library for consistent interactions with php composer dependency manager.

25.038 Descargas

tools-cf-plugin 3.0.0

Cloud Foundry tooling commands.

24.767 Descargas

engrade 1.2.3

Basic ruby wrapper for the Engrade API

24.602 Descargas

spree_postal_service 2.4.0

Calculate weight based charges for a Spree order

24.566 Descargas

spree_variant_options 0.4.1

Spree Variant Options is a simple spree extension that replaces the radio-button varian...

24.533 Descargas

spud_permalinks 1.0.0

This gem creates a polymorphic attachable model that can be used to store historical in...

24.519 Descargas

art-gun 0.1.8

A Ruby wrapper to access Art-Gun's API.

24.373 Descargas

sidekiq-activerecord 0.0.6

Encapsulates various interactions between Sidekiq and ActiveRecord

24.371 Descargas

hrt_bus 0.0.7

Bus number, route, GPS coordiantes, early/ontime/late and more

24.351 Descargas

spree_zaez_cielo 3.0.10

Adds Cielo as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

24.244 Descargas

factory_girl_remote_strategy 0.0.9

FactoryGirl strategy for ActiveResource models.

24.046 Descargas

spree_grid_feed 1.1.8

Adds both /products.xml and /t/taxon.xml product feeds

23.976 Descargas

evernote_utils 0.1.3

A thin OOP-friendly wrapper of Evernote Ruby SDK.

23.926 Descargas

spree_carousels 1.2.6

Adds carousel functionality to spree homepage, based on taxons

23.910 Descargas

suit 0.3.0

A collection of commonly used rspec matchers

23.687 Descargas

attr_digest 2.1.1

Provides functionality to store a hash digest of an attribute using Argon2

23.641 Descargas

contactology 1.0.0

This library provides Ruby calls to interact with the Contactology email marketing API

23.619 Descargas

Total de descargas 66.201.115

Para esta versión 8.718.997

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
