faraday-http-cache 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 faraday-http-cache
danger 9.5.1
Stop Saying 'You Forgot To…' in Code Review
92,143,808 下载
metainspector 5.15.0
MetaInspector lets you scrape a web page and get its links, images, texts, meta tags...
3,106,913 下载
github_changelog_generator 1.16.4
Changelog generation has never been so easy. Fully automate changelog generation - this...
2,445,967 下载
mauth-client 7.2.0
Client for signing and authentication of requests and responses with mAuth authenticati...
1,534,242 下载
chef-licensing 1.0.4
Ruby library to support CLI tools that use Progress Chef license storage, generation, a...
353,964 下载
apimatic_faraday_client_adapter 0.1.4
Faraday is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. This repository contains the client imp...
224,913 下载
restful_resource 2.19.0
A simple activerecord inspired rest resource base class implemented using rest-client
212,331 下载
messagemedia_messages_sdk 3.0.0
The MessageMedia Messages API provides a number of endpoints for building powerful two-...
207,599 下载
shipit-engine 0.39.0
Application deployment software
163,788 下载
lws 10.0.1
This library for Ruby provides access to the LeftClick Web Services and its applicati...
134,784 下载
frenetic 3.0.1
An opinionated Ruby-based Hypermedia API client.
113,405 下载
boletosimples 2.1.0
Boleto Simples API wrapper.
108,813 下载
openstax_utilities 5.1.2
Shared utilities for OpenStax web sites
99,040 下载
active_record_api-request 0.3.19
A ruby library for making requests to the services using the active_record_api-rest_con...
90,251 下载
bodhi-slam 0.8.7
Ruby bindings for the Bodhi API & factories for random data generation
90,194 下载
bootic_client 0.0.32
Official Ruby client for the Bootic API
87,282 下载
rake-xpi 0.0.42
rake helper to build XPI files
78,008 下载
houston-core 0.9.2
Mission Control for your projects and teams
57,157 下载
ghuls-lib 3.0.3
The library used for and by the GHULS applications.
55,604 下载
rails_sso 0.7.5
Single Sign On solution via OAuth2 for Ruby on Rails.
53,233 下载
tinybucket 1.6.0
ruby wrapper for the Bitbucket REST API (v2) with oauth inspired by vongrippen/bitbucket.
48,991 下载
chairman 0.4
GitHub authentication routes and tools for Sinatra apps
47,157 下载
homeaway-api 1.4.1
Ruby SDK for interacting with the HomeAway API
46,208 下载
wp-api-client 0.3.0
A read-only client for the WordPress REST API (v2).
45,587 下载
Over's custom CI / CD toolchain, integrating Sprint.ly, Github, Github and ITC
42,505 下载
wcc-blogs-client 0.7.4
Simple Client for accessing WCC Blog library content
38,791 下载
wwo 0.3.10
Rubygem for accessing the free and premium weather APIs from World Weather Online. Ins...
37,937 下载
shaf_client 1.1.0
A HAL client customized for Shaf APIs
31,660 下载
jekyll-embed-urls 0.6.1
Replaces URLs for their previsualization in Jekyll posts
29,502 下载
laa-fee-calculator-client 2.0.0
Ruby client for the Ministry of Justices LAA fee calculator API. A simple interface for...
29,268 下载