faraday-net_http_persistent 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faraday-net_http_persistent
savon 2.15.1
Heavy metal SOAP client
80,346,306 下載
gitlab-fog-azure-rm 2.2.0
This is a stripped-down fork of fog-azure-rm that enables Azure Blob Storage to be used...
29,172,262 下載
opensearch-transport 2.1.0
Ruby client for OpenSearch. See the `opensearch` gem for full integration.
14,053,164 下載
splitclient-rb 8.5.0
Ruby client for using split SDK.
4,745,968 下載
splitclient-rb 8.5.0
Ruby client for using split SDK.
4,745,968 下載
algolia 3.15.0
A simple Ruby client for the algolia.com REST API
3,990,381 下載
orchestrator_client 0.7.1
Simple Ruby client library for PE Orchestration Services
1,864,187 下載
elastic-enterprise-search 8.9.0
Official API client for Elastic Enterprise Search APIs.
1,708,810 下載
airrecord 1.0.12
Airtable client to make Airtable interactions a breeze
1,650,220 下載
mauth-client 7.2.0
Client for signing and authentication of requests and responses with mAuth authenticati...
1,536,484 下載
stream-chat-ruby 3.12.0
Ruby client for Stream Chat.
1,109,120 下載
stream-ruby 5.1.0
Ruby client for getstream.io service
1,021,833 下載
IPinfo 2.2.4
This is a ruby wrapper for http://ipinfo.io.
814,934 下載
files.com 1.1.229
The Files.com Ruby client.
726,409 下載
telnyx 3.0.6
Telnyx enables anyone to deliver enterprise-grade real-time communications over the int...
267,450 下載
apimatic_faraday_client_adapter 0.1.4
Faraday is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. This repository contains the client imp...
228,033 下載
relaton-bsi 1.20.0
RelatonBsi: retrieve BSI Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model
218,633 下載
bookingsync-api 1.2.0
This gem allows to interact with the BookingSync API via Ruby objects
215,405 下載
parallel_report_portal 3.0.1
A Cucumber formatter which integrates with Report Portal and supports both the parallel...
172,152 下載
moesif_api 2.1.2
Collection/Data Ingestion API
108,601 下載
oso-cloud 1.9.1
Oso Cloud Ruby client
103,092 下載
bootic_client 0.0.32
Official Ruby client for the Bootic API
87,386 下載
geo_combine 0.9.2
A Ruby toolkit for managing geospatial metadata
79,408 下載
antbird 0.13.0
Antbird is a yet another low level API client for the Elasticsearch HTTP interface.
46,052 下載
app_rail-airtable 0.5.0
Gem to help building App Rail servers using Airtable as a backend
40,530 下載
pisoni 1.30.0
Client for the Apisonator internal API for model data.
37,511 下載
senec 0.18.0
Access your local SENEC Solar Battery Storage System
17,616 下載
spackle-ruby 0.0.20
Spackle is the easiest way to integrate your Ruby app with Stripe Billing. See https://...
8,355 下載
ecfr 1.1.3
Ruby client for APIs provided by eCFR.gov
8,305 下載
chalk_ruby 0.2.8
A simple Ruby client for Chalk
4,637 下載