faraday-stack 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faraday-stack
inkling_api 0.1.3
Gem to interact with inkling markets API
45,776 下載
grizzly-weibo 0.4.0
Grizzly makes communicating with Weibo API V2 a breeze by wrapping calls to its api in ...
41,584 下載
ey_cli 0.3.1
More user friendly CLI for Engine Yard cloud. Use undocumented APIs
26,925 下載
newsfeed 1.1.1
Ruby wrapper for Newsfeed Lab. Implements a simple way to add news feeds and activity s...
24,114 下載
baby_tooth 0.0.2
A Ruby wrapper for the Health Graph API
14,697 下載
psc 0.1.0
A lightweight ruby client for Patient Study Calendar's RESTful HTTP API
11,208 下載
viewtext 0.0.2
Wrapper for the Viewtext API
7,426 下載
tyler_koala 1.2.0beta
Koala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to...
2,440 下載