Dépendances inversées pour ffaker Latest version of the following gems require ffaker
spree_dev_tools 0.2.4
Spree Developer Tools
118 850 Téléchargements
phil 0.9.8
Phil is a collection of markup generation and iteration methods to ease creation of UI ...
114 841 Téléchargements
spree_zoned 0.5.38
Everything you need for a zoned Spree store: zoned pricing, zoned products, zoned produ...
114 459 Téléchargements
active_record-pgcrypto 0.2.6
PostgreSQL PGCrypto support for ActiveRecord models.
107 541 Téléchargements
fat_free_crm 0.22.1
An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
98 148 Téléchargements
alchemy-solidus 7.5.1
A AlchemyCMS and Solidus integration
97 079 Téléchargements
spree_pag_seguro 1.0.7
Spree extension for integration with PagSeguro payment. Based on spree_pp_website_stand...
96 565 Téléchargements
ruson 1.3.5
A Ruby serialization/deserialization library to convert Ruby Objects into JSON and back
89 910 Téléchargements
dns_mock 1.7.6
💎 Ruby DNS mock. Mimic any DNS records for your test environment and even more.
89 660 Téléchargements
chaltron 2.0.3
A ready-to-go application with authentication, authorization, logging... with bootstrap...
89 385 Téléchargements
ahub 0.12.0
Answer Hub is a great product. This gem allows you to easily interact with its API
85 801 Téléchargements
spidy 0.3.12
web spider dsl
85 482 Téléchargements
polygallery 0.4.8
Polymorphic galleries made simple.
81 290 Téléchargements
smithycms 0.8.1
Smithy CMS is a Rails Engine built to manage your content easily and play nicely with o...
74 903 Téléchargements
solidus_multi_domain 1.5.0
Multiple Solidus stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing ord...
72 867 Téléchargements
regular_validation 0.0.2
A collection of Regular Expression validations
71 502 Téléchargements
hot-glue 0.6.14
Simple, plug & play Rails scaffold building companion for Turbo-Rails and Hotwire
70 511 Téléchargements
shopifydev 0.1.0
Abstracts out and port to ruby the functionality of the shopify textmate bundle for use...
70 413 Téléchargements
paper_trail_scrapbook 0.2.0
Human Readable Change Log for Paper Trail'd data
69 804 Téléchargements
scim-kit 0.7.2
A simple toolkit for working with SCIM 2.0
67 433 Téléchargements
solidus_related_products 1.1.0
Allows multiple types of relationships between products to be defined
66 842 Téléchargements
neo4j-java-driver 4.4.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
64 977 Téléchargements
zizia 6.0.1
Hyrax importers.
63 154 Téléchargements
spree_delivery_options 2.2.11
Adds delivery date and time during checkout
60 535 Téléchargements
rtrain 0.2.8
Rails UI Booster - More info @ https://github.com/lynnd335/rtrain
57 811 Téléchargements
categoryz3 0.10.0
Works like a simple tagging system, but instead of tags it has categories, and categori...
53 011 Téléchargements
spree_mollie_gateway 4.0.1
Mollie payment gateway for Spree Commerce.
51 314 Téléchargements
emerson 0.0.11
transcendent views
50 985 Téléchargements
pg_serializable 3.1.0
serializes rails models from postgres (9.5+)
50 075 Téléchargements
spree_quick_cart 2.2.3
Adds js quick add to cart button to product catalogue
48 786 Téléchargements