ffakerの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はffakerを必要としています
paper_trail 16.0.0
Track changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked at any...
104,784,850 ダウンロード数
friendly_id 5.5.1
FriendlyId is the "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Active R...
46,506,767 ダウンロード数
jsonapi-serializer 2.2.0
Fast, simple and easy to use JSON:API serialization library (also known as fast_jsonapi).
15,121,941 ダウンロード数
paper_trail-association_tracking 2.2.1
Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations
13,514,152 ダウンロード数
jsonapi.rb 2.1.1
JSON:API serialization, error handling, filtering and pagination.
3,109,347 ダウンロード数
spree_sample 4.10.1
Optional package containing example data of products, stores, shipping methods, categor...
2,197,168 ダウンロード数
truemail 3.3.1
Configurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator. Verify email via Regex, DNS...
1,804,166 ダウンロード数
minfraud-ruby 0.1.1
Ruby interface to the MaxMind minFraud API service.
819,000 ダウンロード数
ambry 1.0.0
Ambry is not an ORM, man! It's a database and ORM replacement for (mostly) static m...
764,443 ダウンロード数
cf 5.4.7
Friendly command-line interface for Cloud Foundry.
563,987 ダウンロード数
fastly-rails 0.8.0
Creates surrogate keys on ActiveRecord models, sets cache/surrogate headers, and adds a...
376,520 ダウンロード数
neo4j-ruby-driver 4.4.19
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
333,580 ダウンロード数
uploadcare-api_struct 1.2.0
API wrapper builder with response serialization
292,409 ダウンロード数
lolcommits 0.18.0
lolcommits takes a snapshot with your webcam every time you git commit code, and arch...
291,862 ダウンロード数
cats_core 1.5.31
This rails engine represents the core module for CATS applications
285,049 ダウンロード数
saml-kit 1.3.0
A simple toolkit for working with SAML.
257,163 ダウンロード数
polyblock 1.2.6
Polymorphic content blocks made simple.
207,449 ダウンロード数
xml-kit 0.6.0
A simple toolkit for working with XML.
190,691 ダウンロード数
otp-jwt 0.3.1
OTP (email, SMS) JWT authentication for HTTP APIs.
185,024 ダウンロード数
solidus_comments 1.0.1
Adds comments to the solidus admin
183,407 ダウンロード数
my_obfuscate 0.5.4
Standalone Ruby code for the selective rewriting of MySQL dumps in order to protect use...
182,547 ダウンロード数
ecom_core 1.3.14
An engine which contains the core of a construction management app as a layer.
182,250 ダウンロード数
ey-core 3.6.6
Engine Yard Core API Ruby Client
166,224 ダウンロード数
gruf-commander 1.2.0
Command/request syntax helper for gruf
164,191 ダウンロード数
redde 0.4.4
Admin scaffold generator for redde projects
159,483 ダウンロード数
brick 1.0.231
Auto-create models, views, controllers, and routes with this slick Rails extension
150,039 ダウンロード数
solidus_dev_support 2.11.0
Development tools for Solidus extensions.
131,911 ダウンロード数
api_struct 1.0.5
API wrapper builder with response serialization
122,646 ダウンロード数
euston-daemons 1.2.11
Message buffer, command processor and event processor daemons for Euston-RabbitMq
120,359 ダウンロード数
euston-daemons 1.2.11
Message buffer, command processor and event processor daemons for Euston-RabbitMq
120,359 ダウンロード数