ffaker 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ffaker
spree_showcase 0.7
A simple slider accommodator, using Flexslider as default
15,815 下载
fume_dev 0.1.0
collect useful gem and code for rails development or test environment
15,724 下载
bento 0.0.3
A Rails account management engine
15,147 下载
Adds Billet as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce
15,033 下载
spree_braintree_cse 2.1.2
Using CSE will enable your application to acheive PCI certification.
14,912 下载
spree_stock_email 0.0.6
Send an email when a product is in stock.
14,893 下载
corkboard 0.1.3
Dashboard composed of social network posts.
14,887 下载
kawara 0.3.2
Mountable blog engine for Rails application
14,793 下载
duty_free 1.0.10
Simplify data imports and exports with this slick ActiveRecord extension
14,786 下载
active_entry 2.0.1
An easy and flexible access control system. Authentication and authorization before a m...
14,762 下载
spree_active_sale 2.0.0
Spree Active Sale makes it easy to handle flash sale/ daily deals behavior with in a sp...
14,670 下载
spree_zaez_correios 3.0.5
Implements diverse functions in order to enable the use of services from Brazil's Corre...
14,331 下载
keystok 1.3.0
Ruby client for Keystok service. https://keystok.com
14,327 下载
ez-resources 0.2.4
Easy resources engine for Rails app.
14,132 下载
raffle_v1 1.0.4
An admin sets up the raffle entry requirements. Users must meet the raffle validation r...
14,113 下载
spree_pages 1.0.7
Simple static pages for spree
13,974 下载
spree_product_based_calculator 1.1.0
calculates shipping rate based on a product’s shipping_rate property or a default value
13,917 下载
spree_correios_shipping 1.1.4
Gem for spree and brazilian carrier correios
13,881 下载
logistics_core 21.11.2
Core classes for MKS logistics applications
13,863 下载
hubspot 1.0.2
Hubspot smtp mailer, delivery method and api wrapper
13,728 下载
spree_affirm 0.2.30
Affirm payment Gateway for Spree
13,655 下载
spree_custom_notifications 0.5
Display Custom notifications on Spree Store
13,474 下载
spree_pinterest 0.2.1
This extension provides a Pinterest "Pin it" button for your Spree product images.
13,468 下载
spree-last-address 2.2.1
During checkout, causes the address to be prefilled with the address from their most re...
13,184 下载
solidus_billing_address 0.0.7
Modifies Spree::Address to allow customer to enter VAT Number, codice fiscale (personal...
13,177 下载
spree_taxonomy_purpose_menu 1.2.3
Creates a mega menu based on a single taxonomy taxon structure
13,166 下载
solidus_paybright 1.1.0
This extension provides the Paybright payment option for your Solidus storefront
13,134 下载
rubyhub 0.2.1
Tool for faster creation of GitHub's Pull Requests
13,116 下载
spree_social_onr 2.1.4
Adds social network login services (OAuth) to Spree
12,919 下载
spree_autosuggest 2.2.0
Search suggestions for Spree
12,702 下载