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fig 0.1.42

Fig is a utility for configuring environments and managing dependencies across a team of developers. You give it a list of packages and a shell command to run; it creates an environment that includes those packages, then executes the shell command in it (the caller's environment is not affected).




  1. 1.27.10 August 01, 2018 (104 KB)
  2. 1.27.8 June 18, 2018 (104 KB)
  3. 1.27.5 June 07, 2018 (104 KB)
  4. 1.27.4 May 16, 2018 (104 KB)
  5. 1.27.3 May 16, 2018 (104 KB)
  6. 0.1.42 November 15, 2011 (27 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (160 total)

dependencias de Runtime (18):

highline >= 1.6.2
highline >= 1.6.2
log4r >= 1.1.5
log4r >= 1.1.5
net-netrc >= 0.2.2
net-netrc >= 0.2.2
net-sftp >= 2.0.4
net-sftp >= 2.0.4
net-ssh >= 2.0.15
net-ssh >= 2.0.15
polyglot >= 0.2.9
polyglot >= 0.2.9
rdoc >= 2.4.2
rdoc >= 2.4.2
treetop >= 1.4.2
treetop >= 1.4.2

dependencias de Development (6):

open4 >= 1.0.1
open4 >= 1.0.1
rspec ~> 2
rspec ~> 2



  • Matthew Foemmel

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de descargas 424.428

Para esta versión 3.569

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
