Dépendances inversées pour fileutils Latest version of the following gems require fileutils
rbs_draper 1.3.0
A RBS files generator for Draper decorators
8 839 Téléchargements
documents_with_footer_to_pdf 0.1.6
Add a footer to each document and create a single .pdf file all in one command.
7 758 Téléchargements
save_me 1.0.3
Store your results file in a neat file structure
7 747 Téléchargements
bitreaper 0.1.4
Automated Web-Scraping Client for Ruby using SLD2-like configuration files. Supports XP...
7 484 Téléchargements
redash_backup 0.3.0
cli for back up redash queries
7 441 Téléchargements
cob 0.1.4
Format and checkout your branches
6 410 Téléchargements
vim_pathogen_plugin_manager 0.0.2
Plugin manager for Pathogen. Vundle has one, now Pathogen does too.
6 362 Téléchargements
rails_model_visualizer 0.1.2
RailsModelVisualizer is a ruby gem which improves documentation of rails apps by genera...
6 236 Téléchargements
ocfl-tools 0.9.15
Tools to create, manipulate and write Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) preservation obj...
6 126 Téléchargements
jekyll-ebook_reader 0.1.3
Easily embed ebooks on any page or post in your Jekyll site. See the README for detaile...
6 092 Téléchargements
chanCrawlerGem 0.2.1
This gem scowers 4chan (or any chan copy theoretically) searching for threads that co...
6 048 Téléchargements
crystalruby 0.3.3
Embed Crystal code directly in Ruby.
6 046 Téléchargements
vcs4sql 0.1.1
In the last few years, version control for database became best practice. There are sev...
5 695 Téléchargements
rb_bins 0.2.0
ruby shell executables to make my life easier
5 478 Téléchargements
dqscore 1.0.1
DQS Core methods and classes
5 268 Téléchargements
rubyapple 0.2.3
A gem to replicate argument picture into various icon and mobile types, apple-touch-ico...
5 153 Téléchargements
Gitbulk is cli for mirroring many git repositories at once
5 019 Téléchargements
oggcert 0.1.2
Cert Mangment tools
4 636 Téléchargements
rake_jekyll_asciidoctor_pdf 0.0.13
Rake tasks to convert *.adoc files from Jekyll to PDF using asciidoctor-pdf
4 434 Téléchargements
diamonds 0.1.5
A web site creator based on Opal browser don't install it now! its buggy and not ready ...
4 392 Téléchargements
android_drawable_resizer 0.0.2
You can work with icons only in the highest density (xxxhpdi, for example) and let the ...
4 306 Téléchargements
claiss 1.1.4
CLI application Toolbox to manage CLAISS AI applications and deployments. Some features...
4 260 Téléchargements
_rubyapp 0.0.3
A web application framework in Ruby
3 914 Téléchargements
ocsprf 0.0.2
OCSP Response Fetch
3 902 Téléchargements
Kogno is an open source framework running on the Ruby programming language for developi...
3 817 Téléchargements
entrepot 0.0.1
a helper class do do a chached processing
3 808 Téléchargements
git-show-branches-all 0.0.1
A sample gem. It doesn't do a whole lot, but it's still useful.
3 738 Téléchargements
statscloud-plugin-system-monitor 1.0.0
Simple monitoring of your system environment.
3 712 Téléchargements
local_path_builder 0.1.2
Usefull helper to build all paths in one hash to local files and folders.
3 695 Téléchargements
each_dir_zip 0.0.1
each directories arcive to zip format file.
3 648 Téléchargements