RubyGems Navigation menu

fileutils 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fileutils

steep 1.9.4

Gradual Typing for Ruby

3,012,131 下載

multi_exiftool 0.19.0

This library is a wrapper for the ExifTool command-line application (https://exiftool.o...

2,675,701 下載

RubyApp 0.7.16

A mobile web application framework in Ruby

887,042 下載

tmpdir 0.3.1

Extends the Dir class to manage the OS temporary file path.

425,194 下載

evil-winrm 3.7

The ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting

338,016 下載

vagrant-butcher 2.3.1

Delete Chef client and node when destroying Vagrant VM

173,359 下載

fluent-diagtool 1.0.5

Bringing productivity of trouble shooting to the next level by automating collection o...

105,161 下載

pdfmd 2.6.0

Managing the common pdf metadata values and renaming the pdf file accordingly. Sets...

76,745 下載

bezel-app 0.1.18

Replicate much of the core functionality of rails.

76,012 下載

webscraper_framework 0.1.735

webscraper_framework is a DRY framework for creating scrapers

67,759 下載


Setups status of tests into TestRail after each scenario

66,996 下載

lift_off 0.3.0

This gem provides a CLI for making new Rails apps with the Iora stack.

66,444 下載

clusterlb 0.1.32

Simple tools to manage a group of nginx lb's with shared nfs configs

64,809 下載

docker_core 0.0.49

some functions for docker build / run

63,108 下載

qiita_org 0.2.2

qiita_org gem to post qiita from org.

61,208 下載

bps-google-api 0.7.0

A configured Google API wrapper.

58,435 下載


nUp & booklets

58,162 下載

puffs 0.2.06

Make simple apps the Rails way, but with less overhead.

51,265 下載

skeleton-ui 0.1.20

Tool for fast generating multi language page objects from iOS (device/simulator) and An...

48,120 下載

shiftzilla 0.2.32

Shiftzilla is a tool for providing historical reports based on Bugzilla data

40,873 下載

green_onion 0.1.4

UI testing/screenshot diffing tool

31,484 下載

jekyll-zettel 0.7.2

Coming soon…

26,154 下載

whatsup_github 1.0.1

Collect info from GitHub pull requests.

25,757 下載

cocoapods-embed-flutter 0.6.1

Straight forward way of declaring flutter modules as dependency for targets, just l...

25,650 下載

facter-statistax 0.0.10

Benchmark for facter

24,990 下載

reportir 0.3.5

Take screenshots with capybara/watir/whatever, and upload them automatically to an AWS ...

24,410 下載

eva-ia-robot 0.1.7

Gem integrada com Google Speech e Google Translate

24,181 下載

movie_organizer 1.0.2

Automatically organize movies, tv shows and home videos.

23,347 下載

carb 0.0.8

Boost the start of a Proximity BBDO Octaplus framework

23,095 下載

ba 0.0.10

BankBalance Gem is used to check your bank account balance

22,519 下載

總下載次數 13,116,132

這個版本 1,171,222



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
