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footman 0.0.1

# Footman This gem is still growing. ## Installation Depends upon having reprepro tool installed (if debian based) or createrepo installed (if red hat based). Ruby 1.9.+ is required to use this gem. 'createrepo' (rpm) tool does not require any pre-setup to the repository or watched directory. - - - 'reprepro' (deb) tool requires pre-setup. The repository directory for deb files must contain: <pre><code> conf/ conf/distributions conf/options conf/override.precise </code></pre> options file is empty, but needed to make reprepro happy distributions file will contain: <pre><code>Origin: Tyler Label: Tyler's Personal Debs Codename: precise Architectures: i386 amd64 source lpia Components: main Description: Tylers Personal Debian Repository DebOverride: override.precise DscOverride: override.precise Origin: Tyler Label: Tyler's Personal Debs Codename: lenny Architectures: i386 amd64 source lpia Components: main Description: Tylers Personal Debian Repository DebOverride: override.lenny DscOverride: override.lenny </code></pre> Note that the code name is for each distribution repository you support. for each distribtuion repository you support there must be an override file. override file can be left empty, footman will fill it out when a new package is added. The watched directory must have sub directorys named after each of the distribution repositories you support. For example my watched directory at /path/ will have two subdirectories: <pre><code>/path/lenny/ /path/precise/</code></pre> Packages must be dropped into the subdirectory that corrosponds with the distribution they were built on. - - - Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'footman' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install footman Or locally: $ gem build footman.gemspec $ gem install footman --local ## Usage footman path/to/watch path/to/repo ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request




  1. 0.0.2 - January 15, 2013 (7.5 KB)
  2. 0.0.1 - January 07, 2013 (7.5 KB)

Runtime 依赖 (3):

ffi >= 0
listen >= 0
methadone >= 0

Development 依赖 (1):

rake >= 0



  • tylerjones

SHA 256 校验和:


下载总量 7,405

这个版本 3,172



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