gene_pool 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 gene_pool
persistent_http 2.0.3
Persistent HTTP connections using a connection pool
7,216,442 下载
jruby-jms 1.3.0
jruby-jms is a complete JRuby API into Java Messaging Specification (JMS) V1.1. For JRu...
4,210,810 下载
modern_times 0.3.12
Generic asynchronous task library
95,133 下载
jruby-hornetq 0.4.0
JRuby-HornetQ is a Java and Ruby library that exposes the HornetQ Java API in a ruby fr...
30,729 下载
ruby_doozer 0.8.1
Ruby Client for doozer
25,847 下载
qwirk_jms_adapter 0.2.1
Provides a JMS adapter as a communication interface for the qwirk library
11,150 下载
bpardee-net-http-persistent 1.0.0
This is an experimental branch that implements a connection pool of Net::HTTP objects ...
5,866 下载