Dépendances inversées pour geocoder Latest version of the following gems require geocoder
calabash-cucumber 0.23.7
calabash-cucumber drives tests for native iOS apps. You must link your app with calabas...
2 386 083 Téléchargements
caboose-rets 0.1.214
Library to download RETS data to a local website for easy use.
641 416 Téléchargements
pwn 0.5.253
446 673 Téléchargements
decidim-core 0.29.2
Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.
358 531 Téléchargements
qa 5.14.0
Provides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a...
352 707 Téléchargements
rocket_cms_activerecord 0.37.2
RocketCMS - ActiveRecord metapackage
308 433 Téléchargements
rocket_cms_mongoid 0.37.2
RocketCMS - Mongoid metapackage
305 021 Téléchargements
mas-rad_core 0.1.5
Models and logic for the RAD family of products.
304 625 Téléchargements
enju_library 0.3.11
Library module for Next-L Enju
219 089 Téléchargements
medivo 0.2.24
Use the medivo platform to find lab locations, make labcorp appointments, place lab orders
216 054 Téléchargements
rails_admin_settings 1.7.0
Mongoid / ActiveRecord + RailsAdmin App Settings management
184 423 Téléchargements
minimum_viable_product 0.7.15
Built for Developers. Ideal for MVPs, product ideation and validation.
169 589 Téléchargements
maid 0.11.0
Be lazy. Let Maid clean up after you, based on rules you define. Think of it as "Hazel ...
152 599 Téléchargements
magic_addresses 0.0.44
Easy sortable and translated addresses uses google-api with nominatim fallback.
133 417 Téléchargements
workarea-core 3.5.27
Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...
120 995 Téléchargements
lita-onewheel-forecast-io 1.14.7
A rather different take on the weather. <br> !ansirain Portland, OR 97206, USA rai...
119 294 Téléchargements
station 0.5.16
Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.
110 500 Téléchargements
location-one 0.0.10
Location Simulation Client for Calabash and Frank backends.
98 078 Téléchargements
ack_rocket_cms 0.9.2
RocketCMS fork
92 857 Téléchargements
mainstreet 0.4.0
Address verification for Ruby and Rails
87 562 Téléchargements
enjoy_cms 0.4.1
81 225 Téléchargements
paginative 0.3.0
After spending a lot of time screwing around with orphaned objects and every other prob...
77 555 Téléchargements
pages_cms 3.0.0
Pages CMS uses nested forms and draggable items to allow the user to build a site withi...
75 815 Téléchargements
zetabot 2.1.2
Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework
74 156 Téléchargements
lita-onewheel-aqi 2.5.0
AQI data retrieval bot
73 674 Téléchargements
machiawase 0.7.0
provides command line usage and library to get a middle point of plural points
64 407 Téléchargements
calabash 1.2.1
Contains shared functionality and extentions to various Calabash sub-projects.
62 841 Téléchargements
locality 1.1.0
See https://github.com/bukowskis/locality
62 127 Téléchargements
lita-forecast 0.1.7
Lita plugin for Forecast.io
61 555 Téléchargements
congress 0.3.0
Ruby wrapper for the Sunlight Congress API, a live JSON API for the people and work of ...
61 077 Téléchargements