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gluttonberg-core 2.5.5

The Gluttonberg goal has always been to create a Content Management System that's great for users, content manager and developers. The focus of Gluttonberg 2.5 has been two-fold: a refined management user interface to make maintaining your website even easier and a change in the architecture of the system to support our new functionality modules: Events, TV, Mobile and soon eCommerce.

= Copier Copié!



  1. 3.0.2 - July 14, 2014 (19,5 Mo)
  2. 3.0.1 - June 12, 2014 (19,4 Mo)
  3. 3.0.0 - June 12, 2014 (19,4 Mo)
  4. 2.6.4 - May 03, 2013 (735 ko)
  5. 2.6.3 - May 02, 2013 (735 ko)
  6. 2.5.5 - January 26, 2013 (570 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (18)

Dépendances de Runtime (15):

acl9 = 0.12.0
active_link_to = 1.0.0
acts_as_list = 0.1.8
acts_as_tree = 1.1.0
authlogic = 3.1.3
cancan = 1.6.4
delayed_job = 2.1.4
jeditable-rails = 0.1.1
paperclip = 3.3.0
ruby-mp3info = 0.6.14
rubyzip = 0.9.9
texticle =
will_paginate = 3.0.3

Dépendances de Development (1):

rspec-rails = 2.0.1



  • Nick Crowther, Abdul Rauf, Luke Sutton, Yuri Tomanek

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

= Copier Copié!

Total de téléchargements 54 097

Pour cette version 3 017



Version de Ruby requise: None
