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gn_crossmap 0.1.1

User supplies a comma-separated file which breaks contains in one row a hierarchy path of known ranks, scientific name which can be split into its semantic elements and include authorship and taxon concept reference. User also supplies an id of a data source from global names resolver/index. User gets back a new comma-separated file where scientific names from her list match data from the given data source.




  1. 4.0.3 October 22, 2018 (19 ko)
  2. 4.0.2 September 18, 2017 (19 ko)
  3. 4.0.1 September 17, 2017 (19 ko)
  4. 4.0.0 September 13, 2017 (19 ko)
  5. 3.3.1 September 12, 2017 (19 ko)
  6. 0.1.1 May 11, 2015 (12 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (41)

Dépendances de Runtime (2):

biodiversity ~> 3.1
trollop ~> 2.1

Dépendances de Development (6):

bundler ~> 1.7
byebug >= 0
coveralls ~> 0.8
rake ~> 10.0
rspec ~> 3.2
rubocop ~> 0.31



  • Dmitry Mozzherin

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 79 522

Pour cette version 2 300

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
