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google-cloud-dialogflow 1.3.4

Dialogflow is an end-to-end, build-once deploy-everywhere development suite for creating conversational interfaces for websites, mobile applications, popular messaging platforms, and IoT devices. You can use it to build interfaces (such as chatbots and conversational IVR) that enable natural and rich interactions between your users and your business. This client is for Dialogflow ES, providing the standard agent type suitable for small and simple agents.

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  1. 1.8.0 - February 26, 2024 (18,5 KB)
  2. 1.7.0 - January 15, 2024 (19 KB)
  3. 1.6.0 - March 09, 2023 (19,5 KB)
  4. 1.5.0 - July 02, 2022 (19,5 KB)
  5. 1.4.0 - May 03, 2022 (19,5 KB)
  6. 1.3.4 - January 11, 2022 (19 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (38 total)

dependencias de Runtime (2):

dependencias de Development (8):

google-style ~> 1.25.1
minitest ~> 5.14
minitest-rg ~> 5.2
rake >= 12.0
redcarpet ~> 3.0
simplecov ~> 0.9
yard ~> 0.9


Subida por:


  • Google LLC

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de descargas 1.274.139

Para esta versión 7.592



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5
