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google_drive 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 google_drive

google-spreadsheet-ruby 0.3.1

This is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.

535,008 下載

mobilize-base 1.390

Manage your organization's workflows entirely through Google Docs and irb. ...

217,411 下載

openstudio-standards 0.6.1

The openstudio-standards library provides methods for programatically generating, modif...

205,700 下載

babelish 0.6.6

This set of commands converts a CSV file to the following formats: - ...

149,774 下載

peoplegroup-connectors 1.0.3

Avoid repeating methods in different projects for our connectos.

146,154 下載

fastlane-plugin-google_sheet_localize 0.4.1

Creates .strings files for iOS and strings.xml files for Android

115,338 下載

roo-google 1.0.0

Roo::Google extend Roo to support google spreadsheet files.

103,001 下載

datapimp 1.2.11

Your rails app in a custom tailored suit.

97,100 下載

localio 0.1.7

Automatic Localizable file generation for multiple platforms (Rails YAML, Android, Java...

93,319 下載

blend_spreadsheet_loan_generator 0.1.113

Generate spreadsheets amortization schedules from the command line

83,506 下載

i18n-migrations 2.0.10

We help you manage your locale translations with migrations, just the way Active Record...

58,177 下載

sport_ngin_aws_auditor 4.3.2

Helps with AWS configuration

55,590 下載

dbhero 1.1.12

Based on heroku dataclips feature, SQL -> Dataset

50,777 下載

google_drive_dotenv 0.5.1

Exports .env file from Google Spreadsheet

48,346 下載

metric_tools 0.0.15

Utilities for analyzing metrics

48,256 下載

gsmetrics 0.1.8

Simple Way to open a Session with Google Docs and push data into a Google Spreadsheet W...

43,516 下載

locraft 1.6.6

application localizator

40,845 下載

locabulary 0.8.1

An extraction of limited localized vocabulary for Sipity and CurateND.

39,723 下載

table_importer 0.2.5

Given a file (or a string) containing a container, along with options, it will return a...

39,370 下載

sheet_mapper 0.3.0

Map google spreadsheets to ruby objects.

38,663 下載

lionel_richie 0.3.1

Export Trello to Google Docs

37,555 下載

milk_maid 0.6.1

Reads data from Raspberry PI sensor and posts to somewhere

34,353 下載

tracco 0.0.20

Tracco is a Trello effort tracker: the purpose of Tracco is to extract and track estima...

32,426 下載

transync 1.1.3

Synchronize XLIFF translations with Google Drive document

30,670 下載

ladder_drive 0.6.8

We aim to design abstraction ladder which is able to run on any PLC with same ladder so...

28,556 下載

takenoko 0.4.0

Rails: Import data from google spreadsheet to database or files, download files that at...

28,252 下載

drive_env 0.4.2

Generate `.env` file from Spreadsheet in Google Drive

28,095 下載

sheets_db 0.13.0

Adapter for pseudo-relational data stored in Google Sheets

27,586 下載

rdb2spreadsheet 0.2.10

A library to select rdb data and update spreadsheet using it.

24,254 下載

viking-pairity 0.1.12

A fair and balanced gem for pair rotation.

23,314 下載

總下載次數 24,849,526

這個版本 7,870,316



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
