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graphql-batch 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 graphql-batch

graphql-metrics 5.0.8

Extract as much much detail as you want from GraphQL queries, served up from your Ruby ...

5,277,642 下载

graphql-preload 2.1.0

Preload ActiveRecord associations with graphql-batch

698,859 下载

graphql-fragment_cache 1.20.2

Fragment cache for graphql-ruby

346,687 下载

graphql-activerecord 0.13.0

Build Relay-compatible GraphQL schemas based on ActiveRecord models

133,361 下载

graphql-remote_loader 1.0.6

GraphQL::RemoteLoader allows performantly fetching data from remote GraphQL APIs in the...

70,714 下载

insights-api-common 5.0.7

Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insig...

58,283 下载

hq-graphql 2.2.4

OneHQ GraphQL Library

57,796 下载

graphiti_graphql 0.1.17

GraphQL support for Graphiti

24,872 下载

graphiti_gql 0.2.38

GraphQL support for Graphiti

23,146 下载

graphql-association_batch_resolver 0.1.14

GraphQL Resolver for ActiveRecord Associations

17,880 下载

manageiq-api-common 2.1.0

Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for micro...

15,258 下载

cacheql 0.2.0

Various GraphQL caching / instrumentation tools

14,853 下载

stardust_rails 0.2.1

Modernize API development in Rails

11,371 下载

graphql-fancy_loader 0.1.5

FancyLoader (built on top of the graphql-batch gem) efficiently batches queries using p...

10,843 下载

graphql-active_record_batcher 0.3.2

Association Preloading and Query Batching for GraphQL

8,005 下载

insights-graphql-preload 2.1.0

Preload ActiveRecord associations with graphql-batch

2,151 下载

下载总量 17,710,191

这个版本 472,977



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
