Dependencias inversas para gsl La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren gsl
daru 0.3
Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...
2.360.466 Descargas
statsample 2.1.0
A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...
681.236 Descargas
Ruby/GSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library, for numerical computing wit...
280.775 Descargas
lsh 0.6.0
An implementation of LSH in Ruby, using JBLAS for JRuby and GSL for MRI
121.035 Descargas
statsample-optimization 2.1.1
Install gsl, statistics2 and provides a C extension to optimize the following methods ...
85.006 Descargas
trailguide 0.4.7
Perform user experiments and A/B tests in your rails apps
83.419 Descargas
opentox-ruby 4.0.0
Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (
40.656 Descargas
diarize-ruby 0.4.2
A library for Ruby wrapping the LIUM Speaker Diarization and including a few extra tools
33.326 Descargas
sciruby-full 0.2.11
Scientific gems for Ruby. This is the full installation with rigid version constraints.
26.366 Descargas
cofi_cost 0.0.9
Playground for collaborative filtering in Ruby using NArray and rb-gsl.
25.382 Descargas
rsemantic 0.3.0
A document vector search with flexible matrix transforms. Currently supports Latent sem...
16.273 Descargas
bio-statsample-timeseries 0.2.1
Statsample-timeseries is an extension to Statsample. It incorporates helpful timeseries...
14.929 Descargas
pca 0.5.0
Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Uses GSL for calculations.
14.805 Descargas
correlation 0.0.3
Extension of GSL: Compute correaltion of 2 datasets
13.656 Descargas
similarity 0.2.5
Document similarity calculations using cosine similarity and TF-IDF weights
11.856 Descargas
finmodeling 0.2.1
A gem for manipulating XBRL financial filings
10.928 Descargas
spectralfilter 0.0.3
GSL extension: Filtering Datasets via Highpass, Lowpass, Bandpass or Bandblock
10.840 Descargas
similarity_tree 1.0.2
Generates a tree representing the branches or revisions to a set of HTML files
9.183 Descargas
a multi-purpose class to handle Gridded Physical quantities.
7.472 Descargas
pretty_gsl 0.0.2
prettify ruby/gsl with more idiomatic ruby
7.046 Descargas
red-arrow-gsl 0.0.3
Red Arrow GSL adds `Arrow::*Array#to_gsl`/`Arrow::Tensor#to_gsl` for Apache Arrow to GS...
5.603 Descargas
distrb 0.1.1
This library implements probability distributions.
5.270 Descargas
carray-gsl 1.1.0
Extension for accessing Ruby/GSL with CArray
4.699 Descargas
ruby-em_algorithm 0.0.2
EMAlgorithm for Ruby
3.948 Descargas
A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby
3.071 Descargas
page_rank 0.1.0
Calculates the PageRank of a network.
2.982 Descargas