RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para guard-rspec La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren guard-rspec

rb-fsevent 0.11.2

FSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa)

402.337.813 Descargas

celluloid-io 0.17.3

Evented IO for Celluloid actors

128.413.468 Descargas

celluloid-supervision 0.20.6

Supervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid.

117.184.281 Descargas

celluloid-pool 0.20.5

An implementation of an actor pool, based on the Celluloid concurrent object framework.

116.983.584 Descargas

celluloid-essentials 0.20.5

Notifications, Internals, Logging, Probe, and essential Celluloid pieces demanding Supe...

116.960.895 Descargas

celluloid-fsm 0.20.5

Simple finite state machines with integrated Celluloid timeout support.

116.953.310 Descargas

celluloid-extras 0.20.5

Classes to support examples, benchmarks, or add special functionality.

116.953.234 Descargas

no_proxy_fix 0.1.2

A fix for a no_proxy bug:

80.351.110 Descargas

database_cleaner-core 2.0.1

Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing.

77.621.963 Descargas

logstash-event 1.2.02

Library that contains the classes required to create LogStash events

38.127.141 Descargas

vmstat 2.3.1

A focused and fast library to gather memory, cpu, network, load avg and disk infor...

33.200.564 Descargas

gitlab-dangerfiles 4.8.1

This gem provides common Dangerfile and plugins for GitLab projects.

29.597.583 Descargas

http_accept_language 2.1.1

Find out which locale the user preferes by reading the languages they specified in thei...

20.526.993 Descargas

gitlab_quality-test_tooling 2.8.0

A collection of test-related tools.

19.488.548 Descargas

guard-rubocop 1.5.0

Guard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.

16.189.734 Descargas

app_store_connect 0.38.0

A Ruby interface to the App Store Connect API

16.019.287 Descargas

gitlab-triage 1.44.3

GitLab triage automation project.

14.832.664 Descargas

caxlsx_rails 0.6.4

Caxlsx_Rails provides an Caxlsx renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code from...

13.245.617 Descargas

rdkafka 0.21.0

Modern Kafka client library for Ruby based on librdkafka

13.115.047 Descargas

karafka-rdkafka 0.19.0

Modern Kafka client library for Ruby based on librdkafka

11.655.139 Descargas

axlsx_rails 0.6.1

Axlsx_Rails provides an Axlsx renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code from y...

11.198.715 Descargas

danger-swiftlint 0.37.1

A Danger plugin for linting Swift with SwiftLint.

9.588.434 Descargas

astrolabe 1.3.1

An object-oriented AST extension for Parser

9.568.198 Descargas

activeadmin_addons 1.10.2

Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui

8.446.872 Descargas

rack-livereload 0.6.1

Insert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware

8.360.699 Descargas

hubspot-ruby 0.9.0

hubspot-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

8.146.580 Descargas

varia_model 0.6.0

A mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing

7.545.656 Descargas

buff-extensions 2.0.0

Extensions to Core Ruby classes

7.501.825 Descargas

buff-shell_out 1.1.0

A mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output

7.382.861 Descargas

buff-ruby_engine 1.0.0

A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby

7.376.034 Descargas

Total de descargas 101.191.338

Para esta versión 85.749.318

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
