guard-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 guard-rspec
buff-config 2.0.0
A simple configuration class
7,359,175 下載
syslogger 1.6.6
Same as SyslogLogger, but without the ridiculous number of dependencies and with the po...
6,467,671 下載
danger-junit 1.0.2
Get automatic inline test reporting for JUnit-conforming XML files.
6,095,416 下載
utf8-cleaner 1.0.0
Removes invalid UTF8 characters from the URL and other env vars
5,623,013 下載
rvm-capistrano 1.5.6
RVM / Capistrano Integration Gem
5,600,299 下載
auth0 5.18.0
Ruby toolkit for Auth0 API
5,505,430 下載
danger-android_lint 0.0.12
A Danger plugin for Android Lint
5,062,136 下載
ajax-datatables-rails 1.5.0
A wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side p...
5,003,813 下載
danger-xcode_summary 1.3.1
Show formatted xcodebuild output in your PRs.
4,982,488 下載
contentful 2.17.1
Ruby client for the Content Delivery API
4,665,520 下載
discourse_api 2.0.1
Discourse API
4,571,586 下載
danger-rubocop 0.13.0
A Danger plugin for running Ruby files through Rubocop.
4,208,715 下載
ims-lti 2.3.5
Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers
3,915,113 下載
ipynbdiff 0.4.7
Better diff for Jupyter Notebooks by first preprocessing them and removing clutter
3,865,892 下載
simple-navigation 4.4.0
With the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations f...
3,828,331 下載
danger-todoist 2.0.1
A danger plugin for spotting introduced todos.
3,571,124 下載
urbanairship 9.4.0
A Ruby Library for using the Airship web service API for push notifications and rich ap...
3,290,685 下載
guard-spork 2.1.0
Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers.
3,244,703 下載
danger-checkstyle_format 0.1.1
Danger plugin for checkstyle formatted xml file.
2,868,138 下載
onebox 2.2.19
A gem for generating embeddable HTML previews from URLs.
2,611,050 下載
state_machines-rspec 0.6.0
RSpec matchers for state_machines. Forked from modocache/state_machine_rspec to work wi...
2,547,484 下載
calabash-cucumber 0.23.7
calabash-cucumber drives tests for native iOS apps. You must link your app with calabas...
2,383,869 下載
danger-swiftformat 0.9.0
A danger plugin for checking Swift formatting using SwiftFormat.
2,379,936 下載
daru 0.3
Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...
2,341,753 下載
contentful-management 3.10.0
Ruby client for the Content Management API
2,299,432 下載
danger-jira 0.9.1
A Danger plugin to link JIRA issues to a pull request.
2,052,232 下載
grape-active_model_serializers 1.5.2
Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with active_model...
1,932,769 下載
mandrill-rails 1.5.0
Rails integration for Mandrill
1,914,944 下載
bcp47 0.3.3
A subset of the BCP47 spec implemented in ruby
1,890,118 下載
m3u8 0.8.2
Generate and parse m3u8 playlists for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).
1,878,126 下載