guard 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard
pry 0.15.2
Pry is a runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capa...
492,801,799 下载
pry 0.15.2
Pry is a runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capa...
492,801,799 下载
celluloid-supervision 0.20.6
Supervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid.
117,198,426 下载
guard-rspec 4.7.3
Guard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest).
101,287,042 下载
no_proxy_fix 0.1.2
A fix for a no_proxy bug:
80,418,182 下载
lru_redux 1.1.0
An efficient implementation of an lru cache
56,515,783 下载
logstash-event 1.2.02
Library that contains the classes required to create LogStash events
38,144,316 下载
react-rails 3.2.1
Render components in views or controller actions. Server-side rendering powered by Exec...
31,392,518 下载
omniauth_openid_connect 0.8.0
OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.
25,583,229 下载
flamegraph 0.9.5
Flamegraph support for arbitrary ruby apps
24,476,710 下载
scout_apm 5.6.1
Monitors Ruby apps and reports detailed metrics on performance to Scout.
21,123,267 下载
prometheus_exporter 2.2.0
Prometheus metric collector and exporter for Ruby
17,098,896 下载
guard-rubocop 1.5.0
Guard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.
16,212,866 下载
rdkafka 0.21.0
Modern Kafka client library for Ruby based on librdkafka
13,131,151 下载
sneakers 2.12.0
Fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
12,526,020 下载
guard-livereload 2.5.2
Guard::LiveReload automatically reloads your browser when 'view' files are modified.
12,486,287 下载
karafka-rdkafka 0.19.0
Modern Kafka client library for Ruby based on librdkafka
11,673,007 下载
A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
10,901,761 下载
danger-swiftlint 0.37.1
A Danger plugin for linting Swift with SwiftLint.
9,595,124 下载
gitlab-omniauth-openid-connect 0.10.1
OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.
9,445,685 下载
guard-bundler 3.0.1
Guard::Bundler automatically install/update your gem bundle when needed
9,127,620 下载
activeadmin_addons 1.10.2
Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui
8,454,318 下载
rack-livereload 0.6.1
Insert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware
8,363,357 下载
varia_model 0.6.0
A mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing
7,546,019 下载
buff-extensions 2.0.0
Extensions to Core Ruby classes
7,502,197 下载
buff-shell_out 1.1.0
A mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output
7,383,221 下载
buff-ruby_engine 1.0.0
A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
7,376,386 下载
buff-config 2.0.0
A simple configuration class
7,359,451 下载
danger-junit 1.0.2
Get automatic inline test reporting for JUnit-conforming XML files.
6,099,736 下载
utf8-cleaner 1.0.0
Removes invalid UTF8 characters from the URL and other env vars
5,625,164 下载