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guard 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard

awestruct 0.6.7

Awestruct is a static site baking and publishing tool. It supports an extensive list of...

728,981 下载

ruby-supervisor 0.0.2

uses XMLRPC supervisord API to communciate with supervisord

715,098 下载

guard-coffeescript 2.0.1

Guard::CoffeeScript automatically generates your JavaScripts from your CoffeeScripts

710,337 下载

danger-jacoco 0.1.9

A short description of danger-jacoco.

708,278 下载

danger-slather 0.0.6

Danger plugin to Slather code coverage framework

707,992 下载

guard-puma 0.8.1

Restart puma when files change

694,413 下载

contentful_model 1.3.0

An ActiveModel-like wrapper for the Contentful SDKs

694,257 下载

mini_sql 1.5.0

A fast, safe, simple direct SQL executor for PG

687,618 下载

sunspot-queue 0.10.3

Background search indexing using existing worker systems.

668,827 下载

guard-ctags-bundler 1.4.0

Guard::CtagsBundler uses ctags utility and generates 2 files: tags -- with tags generat...

667,564 下载

guard-teaspoon 0.8.0

Guard::Teaspoon automatically runs your Javascript tests with all the features of Teasp...

662,245 下载

auto_increment 1.6.2

Automaticaly increments an ActiveRecord column

638,789 下载

train-rest 0.5.0

Provides a transport to communicate easily with RESTful APIs.

628,366 下载

folio-pagination 0.0.12

A pagination library.

626,074 下载

pincers 1.0.0

Web automation DSL on top of webdriver and nokogiri

614,888 下载

guard-pow 2.0.0

Guard::Pow automatically manage Pow applications restart

604,620 下载

candy_check 0.6.0

Check and verify in-app receipts

591,938 下载

danger-jacoco-instacart 0.1.15

A short description of danger-jacoco. This is a forked version of

590,898 下载

danger-detekt-instacart 0.0.4

A short description of danger-kotlin_detekt. This is a forked version to include detekt...

588,098 下载

vedeu 0.8.32

A framework for building GUI/TUI terminal/console applications.

580,861 下载

sidekiq-throttler 0.5.1

Sidekiq middleware that adds the ability to rate limit job execution.

556,087 下载

isodoc 2.10.4

isodoc converts documents in the IsoDoc document model into Microsoft Word and HTML. T...

526,007 下载

contentful_middleman 4.2.0

Load blog posts and other managed content into Middleman

522,789 下载

danger-textlint 2.0.4

Danger plugin for textlint.

522,292 下载

rack-iframe 0.0.3

Rack middleware for enabling problematic web browsers (Internet Explorer and Safari) to...

521,500 下载


A Ruby implementation for Japan postcode.

513,617 下载

tsubaki 0.2.1

A gem provides My Number & Corporate Number validators

511,256 下载

guard-rack 2.2.1

Automatically reloads your Rack based app on file change using Guard.

507,018 下载

guard-foodcritic 3.0.0

Guard::Foodcritic automatically runs foodcritic.

487,588 下载

mini_scheduler 0.16.0

Adds recurring jobs for Sidekiq

486,271 下载

下载总量 104,508,722

这个版本 3,254,660



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
