RubyGems Navigation menu

guard 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard

guard-unicorn 0.2.0

Guard plug-in that allows you to restart Unicorn

319,881 下载

hydra-file_characterization 1.2.0

To provide a wrapper for file characterization

314,790 下载

errplane 1.0.15

This gem provides implements instrumentation with Errplane for Rails 2.3.x and 3.x appl...

313,722 下载

mi 1.0.0

Mi is a generator of migration file instead of `rails generate migration`.

310,669 下载

contentful-webhook-listener 0.3.0

A Simple HTTP Webserver with pluggable behavior for listening to Contentful API Webhooks

306,019 下载

user_impersonate2 0.12.0

Allow staff users to pretend to be your customers; to impersonate their account.

304,514 下载

bonethug 0.0.99

Project Skeleton Manager

301,983 下载

mobvious-rails 0.1.2

Rails enhancements for rendering different content for different device types

300,827 下载

marketingcloudsdk 1.0.0

API wrapper for SOAP and REST API with Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget)

298,145 下载

danger-the_coding_love 0.0.9

Prints markdown containing a random post from

293,076 下载

praxis-blueprints 3.5

Praxis Blueprints is a library that allows for defining a reusable class structures...

291,680 下载

guard-eslint 1.1.0

Allows you to add eslint to your Guard toolchain, so that eslint is run.

290,909 下载

danger-xcodebuild 0.0.6

Exposes warnings, errors and test results.

290,211 下载

guard-rubycritic 2.9.3

Ruby Critic is a tool that listens to modifications in Ruby classes, modules and method...

282,037 下载

danger-apkstats 0.3.1

To inspect android application file with danger.

280,186 下载

metanorma-ogc 2.5.10

Metanorma for the Open Geospatial Consortium.

275,995 下载

kiji 0.3.0

API toolkits for Japanese e-Gov system

274,265 下载

guard-compass 1.1.0

Guard::Compass automatically rebuilds scss|sass files when a modification occurs taking...

273,658 下载

danger-prose 2.0.7

A danger plugin for working with bodies of markdown prose.

270,614 下载

apollo-crawler 0.1.31

Gem for crawling data from external sources

270,181 下载

guard-hologram 1.0.0

Guard plugin for the Hologram gem (

268,096 下载

activegraph 11.4.0

A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.

266,956 下载

gemwarrior 0.15.18

A fun text adventure in the form of a RubyGem!

266,266 下载

exvo-auth 0.14.1

Sign in with Exvo account

264,971 下载

blank_empty_nil_filters 0.1.3

Extentions for convenient filtering of blank, empty, and nil values from Hash and Array...

264,261 下载

metanorma-itu 2.4.9

Metanorma for the ITU.

263,025 下载

sigurd 0.1.0

Small gem to manage executing looping processes and signal handling.

258,039 下载

danger-welcome_message 0.0.1

A danger plugin for greeting new members.

253,286 下载

attributor-flatpack 1.4.2

Attributor type for loading configuration data

248,678 下载

monadic 0.8.1

brings some functional goodness to ruby by giving you some monads

245,767 下载

下载总量 104,767,866

这个版本 3,313,814



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
