RubyGems Navigation menu

guard 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 guard

utf8-cleaner 1.0.0

Removes invalid UTF8 characters from the URL and other env vars

5,081,667 下載

facets 3.1.0

Facets is the premier collection of extension methods for the Ruby programming language...

4,901,935 下載

danger-junit 1.0.2

Get automatic inline test reporting for JUnit-conforming XML files.

4,890,816 下載

romaji 0.2.4

Yet another Romaji-Kana transliterator

4,808,593 下載

danger-android_lint 0.0.12

A Danger plugin for Android Lint

4,352,981 下載

contentful 2.17.1

Ruby client for the Content Delivery API

4,182,312 下載

danger-xcode_summary 1.3.0

Show formatted xcodebuild output in your PRs.

4,168,309 下載

guard-rails 0.8.1

Restart Rails when things change in your app

4,110,384 下載

puffing-billy 4.0.0

A stubbing proxy server for ruby. Connect it to your browser in integration tests to fa...

3,699,918 下載

ims-lti 2.3.5

Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers

3,546,156 下載

rails-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.5

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.

3,538,394 下載

guard-shell 0.7.2

Guard::Shell automatically runs shell commands when watched files are modified.

3,310,893 下載

guard-spork 2.1.0

Guard::Spork automatically manage Spork DRb servers.

3,191,522 下載

discourse_api 2.0.1

Discourse API

3,118,497 下載

danger-rubocop 0.13.0

A Danger plugin for running Ruby files through Rubocop.

3,016,927 下載

danger-todoist 2.0.1

A danger plugin for spotting introduced todos.

3,004,176 下載

gollum-lib 6.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

2,682,806 下載

gollum-lib 6.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

2,682,806 下載

danger-checkstyle_format 0.1.1

Danger plugin for checkstyle formatted xml file.

2,478,576 下載

guard-rake 1.0.0

guard-rake automatically runs Rake tasks from your Rakefile

2,124,722 下載

contentful-management 3.10.0

Ruby client for the Content Management API

2,115,322 下載


CSS toolkit from Twitter For Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline. Best one of all!

1,968,820 下載

danger-swiftformat 0.9.0

A danger plugin for checking Swift formatting using SwiftFormat.

1,964,044 下載

guard-spring 1.1.1

Guard::Spring automatically manages spring process.

1,931,147 下載

danger-jira 0.9.1

A Danger plugin to link JIRA issues to a pull request.

1,789,671 下載

slack-api 1.6.1

A Ruby wrapper for the Slack API

1,774,441 下載

guard-brakeman 0.8.6

Guard::Brakeman automatically scans your Rails app for vulnerabilities using the Brakem...

1,720,661 下載

newrelic-infinite_tracing 9.10.2

The New Relic Ruby agent requires the gem newrelic_rpm, and it includes distributed tra...

1,646,426 下載

rails3-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.15

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 3.

1,637,192 下載

symbolize 4.5.2

ActiveRecord/Mongoid enums with i18n

1,598,838 下載

總下載次數 103,234,879

這個版本 2,922,036



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.3
