RubyGems Navigation menu

haml 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 haml

egov_utils 1.4.3

We hope it will help create better systems for all the eGoverment. In Czech Republic an...

148,040 下载

staticmatic 0.11.1

Lightweight Static Site Framework

146,112 下载

bootstrap_leather 0.10.13

BootstrapLeather is a collection of view helpers and scaffold generators that makes it ...

142,891 下载

phrasing 4.4.0


142,555 下载

alula-themes 0.4.27

Offers default theme as well some basic themes for Alula blogs.

139,561 下载

web47core 3.2.2

Core components used in all our web products.

139,460 下载

bootstrap_haml_helpers 1.2.1

Convenient, clean wrappers for Twitter Bootstrap components and scaffolding.

138,858 下载

the_garage 2.8.2

Garage extends your RESTful, Hypermedia APIs as a Platform

138,527 下载

translation_center 2.0.2

Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 3 apps. It builds a translat...

136,921 下载

scrappy 0.4.10

RDF web scraper

136,506 下载

wally 0.0.47

Cucumber feature viewer and navigator

136,326 下载

best_boy 3.5.0

Hybrid action logging, consisting of standard and custom logging.

135,812 下载

gitdocs 0.6.2

Open-source Dropbox using Ruby and Git.

134,656 下载

redmon 0.0.13

Redis Admin interface and monitor.

133,667 下载

mercury 1.0.2

Hack with haml, sass, jquery and coffee-script!

133,421 下载


Simple forum engine.

130,713 下载

no_notifier_needed 2.4.5

A work in progress: Replace ActionMailer::Base class redundency. Temlating using haml o...

130,346 下载

iugu-ux 1.0.25

Iugu User Experience and Components for HTML5,CSS,JS

128,684 下载

sinatra-pages 1.5.3

A Sinatra extension for static pages rendering using the HAML rendering engine.

128,104 下载

cheatset 1.4.8

Generate cheat sheets for Dash

127,858 下载

sinatra-cometio 0.6.0

Comet component for Sinatra RocketIO

123,756 下载


Slickmap for Compass

121,915 下载

rugular 0.10.0

Rugular - a ruby scaffolding framework for AngularJS

121,034 下载

frank 1.0.12

Rapidly develop static sites using any supported templating language

120,966 下载

ascii_binder 1.2

AsciiBinder is an AsciiDoc-based system for authoring and publishing closely related do...

119,021 下载

smartkiosk-client 0.2.1

Smartkiosk client application

118,861 下载


facebook-stub is a gem for stubbing out the Facebook JavaScript API in acceptance and i...

116,284 下载

workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...

116,221 下载

rack-rscript 1.4.1

Rack-Rscript is a light-weight alternative to Sinatra-Rscript.

115,206 下载

power_stencil 0.10.0

PowerStencil is the Swiss-army knife templating workflow for developers and ops.

114,639 下载

下载总量 147,462,239

这个版本 2,015,872



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.1.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
