haml 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 haml
haml 6.3.0
An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine.
166,563,738 下载
haml-rails 2.1.0
Haml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 5. It also enables Haml as the templating...
46,495,217 下载
asciidoctor 2.0.23
A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc con...
45,248,862 下载
haml_lint 0.61.0
Configurable tool for writing clean and consistent HAML
40,749,267 下载
hamlit 3.0.3
High Performance Haml Implementation
40,116,942 下载
hamlit 3.0.3
High Performance Haml Implementation
40,116,942 下载
view_component 3.21.0
A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on R...
39,400,767 下载
gettext_i18n_rails 1.13.0
Simple FastGettext Rails integration.
38,362,574 下载
html2haml 2.3.0
Converts HTML into Haml
32,167,759 下载
rails_best_practices 1.23.2
a code metric tool for rails codes, written in Ruby.
16,800,469 下载
handlebars_assets 0.23.9
A Railties Gem to compile hbs assets
12,783,005 下载
deface 1.9.0
Deface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails ap...
8,004,268 下载
grease 0.3.2
Grease provides an adapter to use Tilt as extension of Sprockets 3 or later.
5,972,403 下载
middleman 4.6.0
A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Slim, Cof...
5,704,363 下载
faye 1.4.0
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
5,348,269 下载
cucumber_statistics 3.0.0
Want to know what is slowing down your build?
4,736,843 下载
hologram 1.4.0
Build doc type things
4,180,533 下载
middleman-syntax 3.4.0
Code syntax highlighting plugin via rouge for Middleman
2,635,916 下载
onebox 2.2.19
A gem for generating embeddable HTML previews from URLs.
2,612,701 下载
xray-rails 0.3.3
Provides a dev bar and an overlay in-browser to visualize your UI's rendered partials
1,864,691 下载
syntax_tree-haml 4.0.3
Syntax Tree support for Haml
1,843,674 下载
nested_form_fields 0.8.4
Rails gem for dynamically adding and removing nested has_many association fields in a f...
1,442,146 下载
raddocs 2.2.0
Browse documentation generated by the rspec_api_documentation gem
1,165,191 下载
cells-haml 0.0.10
Haml integration for Cells
1,089,490 下载
rdf-rdfa 3.3.0
RDF::RDFa is an RDFa reader/writer for Ruby using the RDF.rb library suite.
1,003,993 下载
querly 1.3.0
Querly is a query language and tool to find out method calls from Ruby programs. Define...
951,512 下载
rdf-vocab 3.3.2
Defines several standard RDF vocabularies
949,888 下载
RubyApp 0.7.16
A mobile web application framework in Ruby
887,778 下载
dawnscanner 2.2.0
dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. It is especially designed...
812,031 下载
cucumber_characteristics 0.0.6
Gem to profile cucumber steps and features
811,454 下载