haml 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 haml
workarea-core 3.5.27
Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...
120,797 下载
power_stencil 0.10.0
PowerStencil is the Swiss-army knife templating workflow for developers and ops.
119,867 下载
rack-rscript 1.4.1
Rack-Rscript is a light-weight alternative to Sinatra-Rscript.
119,426 下载
git_stats 1.0.17
Git history statistics generator
116,332 下载
noah 0.8.7
Application registry inspired by Apache Zookeeper
113,683 下载
noah 0.8.7
Application registry inspired by Apache Zookeeper
113,683 下载
earl-report 0.9.1
EarlReport generates HTML+RDFa rollups of multiple EARL reports.
113,613 下载
locomotivecms_mounter 1.5.8
Mount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...
113,146 下载
benofsky-bolt 0.4.8
Bolt was built to fill a gap in static website generators. Bolt makes it really really ...
113,081 下载
codesake-dawn 1.2.99
Codesake::Dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. Starting from J...
111,561 下载
sinatra-helpers 0.2.0
Includes month_choices, year_choices, country_choices
111,326 下载
visage-app 2.1.0
Visage is a web interface for viewing collectd statistics. It also provides a JSON inte...
110,749 下载
sinatra_warden 1.0.0
basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing s...
109,706 下载
gplan 0.2.1
Creates release notes from the git log and planbox
109,430 下载
machinery-tool 1.24.1
Machinery is a systems management toolkit for Linux. It supports configuration discover...
107,803 下载
grat 0.5.1
Basic interface for making webpages with Haml and Erb. Supports nested templates.
106,835 下载
maglove 2.0.11
This gem contains development and built tools for creating MagLoft themes.
105,116 下载
deltacloud-core 1.1.3
The Deltacloud API is built as a service-based REST API. You do not directly link a...
104,142 下载
iugusdk 1.0.11
SDK for Iugu Platform Applications
104,115 下载
carte-server 1.0.11
something like dictionary, wiki, or information card
102,197 下载
opentox-ruby-api-wrapper 1.6.5
Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (http://www.opentox.org)
101,459 下载
Actic is a calendaring engine for Rails3, it combines an iCal interface with ORM. It ac...
100,995 下载
whoops 0.5.5
A Rails engine which receives logs and provides an interface for them
100,956 下载
conductor 0.9.4
Conductor is the bastard child of a/b testing and personalization. It throws everythin...
100,749 下载
torquebox-backstage 1.1.2
BackStage allows you to look behind the TorqueBox curtain, and view information about a...
98,596 下载
fat_free_crm 0.22.1
An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
98,159 下载
hydeweb 0.2.3
Hyde lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, Sa...
97,343 下载
sinatra-websocketio 0.4.1
WebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO
97,297 下载
virgo 0.3.17
Virgo is a comprehensive team blogging tool for Ruby on Rails
96,501 下载
kitsune 0.2.1
Integrated Rails Content Management System.
94,404 下载