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haml 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 haml

nesta 0.16.0

Nesta is a lightweight Content Management System, written in Ruby using the Sinatra web...

70,700 下载

active_storage_drag_and_drop 1.1.0

Provides a form helper to make it easy to make drag and drop file upload fields that wo...

70,187 下载

glitter 2.2.1

Glitter makes it easy to publish software updates via the Sparkle framework by using S3...

69,644 下载

effective_email_templates 1.9.0

Effective Email Templates provides an admin access to modify email templates

69,495 下载

haml-coderay 0.2.0

Adds a CodeRay syntax highlighting filter to Haml

69,454 下载

rich_cms 3.0.2

Rich-CMS is a module of E9s ( which provides a frontend...

69,322 下载

engine_of_war 2.0.0

Semi-static site engine.

68,894 下载

bananajour 2.6.9

Local git repository hosting with a sexy web interface and bonjour discovery. It's like...

68,787 下载

manuscript 0.2.3

A gem for publishing a small Hot Ink authenticated site

68,526 下载

tmin 0.2.6

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

68,477 下载

mango 0.9.0

Mango is a dynamic, database-free, and open source website framework that is designed t...

68,364 下载

almanac 0.9.2

Almanac is the most elegant mountable blog engine that can be easily hooked up in the e...

66,805 下载

easy_data 1.0.5

Easily publish the linked data data model of your project RoR

65,876 下载

gidget 0.3.0

Gidget is a minimalist blog engine designed to run on Heroku with a Git-based workflow.

65,538 下载

sql_search_n_sort 3.0.3

A gem that allows for simple SQL-based search and sort functionality

65,282 下载

webscraper_framework 0.1.735

webscraper_framework is a DRY framework for creating scrapers

64,622 下载

parliament-utils 0.11.3

Parliament Utils gem.

64,363 下载

bwkfanboy 2.0.0

A converter from a raw HTML to an Atom feed. You can use it to watch sites that do not ...

63,857 下载

sinatra-rocketio 0.3.3

WebSocket/Comet IO plugin for Sinatra

63,240 下载

bait 0.5.13

Accepts github push event webhook to clone and execute .bait/

62,873 下载

playmo 0.1.10

Special kit that allows you create html5-ready Rails 3 apps quick with pre-included few...

62,843 下载

proxes 0.10.1

Rack wrapper around Elasticsearch to provide security and management features

61,993 下载

exvo_globalize 0.6.0

It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app

61,915 下载

mint 0.7.4

Clean, simple library for maintaining and styling documents without a word processor. M...

61,436 下载

c2 0.1.13

C2 aspires to be a simple, drop in, Admin Portal + CMS for apps based on Rails 3 + Mong...

60,666 下载

quby 5.6.4

Quby is a Rails engine that can render and update answers for questionnaires defined in...

60,631 下载

puppet-forge-server 1.10.1

Private Puppet forge server supports local files, both v1 and v3 API proxies

60,286 下载

glog 1.0.0

Static site generator and rack app

59,689 下载

hamdown 0.0.17

Hamdown converts a markdown file to html and plops it into a haml template

59,608 下载

discerner 2.0.16

Discerner is an engine for Rails that provides basic search UI, search reqults export U...

59,602 下载

下载总量 147,909,186

这个版本 2,100,059



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.1.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
