RubyGems Navigation menu

haml 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 haml

opal-rails 2.0.3

Rails bindings for opal JS engine

209,980 下載

4info 2.0.0

A complete Ruby API for handling SMS messages via

209,661 下載

lolita 4.2.0

Manage Rails, application backend with ease.

206,029 下載

locomotivecms_wagon 3.1.1

Wagon is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine

205,407 下載

faml 0.8.1

Faster implementation of Haml template language.

203,934 下載

ajaxify_rails 0.9.7

Automatically makes your Rails app loading content in the background via ajax. Works by...

198,473 下載

soar_sc_core 3.0.3

Service component core aggregations for simple inclusion into service components

196,811 下載


Milkode is line based local source code search engine. It have command line interface a...

195,157 下載

haml_parser 0.4.1

Parser of Haml template language

193,992 下載

radiant 1.1.4

Radiant is a simple and powerful publishing system designed for small teams. It is buil...

193,961 下載

leftovers 0.12.2

Find unused methods and classes/modules

187,727 下載


This plugin integrates jQuery-Rails, jQuery, jQuery UI and Themes, jqGrid and more into...

186,263 下載

webgen 1.7.3

webgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can ...

183,444 下載

abstractor 4.4.7

A Rails engine gem for deriving discrete data points from narrative text via natural la...

183,246 下載

paid_up 0.13.21

Allows a model of your choosing (such as users) to subscribe to a plan, which enables f...

183,164 下載

caboodle 0.3.0

Caboodle is a Rack and Sinatra-based framework for creating websites which combine info...

175,993 下載

haml-i18n-extractor 0.5.9

Parse the texts out of the haml files into localization files

170,806 下載

stackprof-webnav 1.0.4

Provides the ability to analyze StackProf dumps

168,248 下載

rtt 0.0.6

RTT is a tool for tracking time

164,428 下載

pugin 1.10.10

Pugin is a component-based pattern design library that holds all of the reusable partia...

160,045 下載

dossier 2.13.1

Easy SQL based report generation with the ability to accept request parameters and rend...

159,106 下載

massimo 0.10.3

Massimo builds HTML, Javascript, and CSS Files from your source.

158,797 下載

has_vcards 1.1.2

vCard like contact and address models and helpers for Rails.

157,576 下載

chriseppstein-compass 0.8.17

Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintain...

156,600 下載

vanilla 1.17.13

A bliki-type web content thing.

155,222 下載

oxidized-web 0.14.0

puma+sinatra+haml webUI + REST API for oxidized

154,445 下載

redde 0.4.4

Admin scaffold generator for redde projects

154,317 下載

lipsiadmin 5.1.9

Lipsiadmin is a new revolutionary admin for your projects.Lipsiadmin is based on Ext Js...

153,606 下載

fnordmetric 1.2.9

FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids

151,266 下載

guard-haml 1.1.2

Compiles file.html.haml into file.html

150,491 下載

總下載次數 147,589,022

這個版本 2,043,566



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
