Dependencias inversas para hana La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren hana
json_schemer 2.4.0
JSON Schema validator. Supports drafts 4, 6, 7, 2019-09, 2020-12, OpenAPI 3.0, and Open...
52.513.624 Descargas
cfndsl 1.7.2
DSL for creating AWS Cloudformation templates
2.220.919 Descargas
json_refs 0.1.9
Dereference JSON Pointer
558.312 Descargas
json_skooma 0.2.5
I bring some sugar for your JSONs.
198.265 Descargas
hal-client 5.0.0
An easy to use interface for REST APIs that use HAL.
190.472 Descargas
openapi_first 2.5.1
OpenAPI based request validation, response validation, contract-testing and coverage
170.486 Descargas
fluent-plugin-json 0.2.0
Fluentd JSON filter plugin with JSON Pointer Support (RFC-6901) to pinpoint elements.
96.310 Descargas
fluent-plugin-json 0.2.0
Fluentd JSON filter plugin with JSON Pointer Support (RFC-6901) to pinpoint elements.
96.310 Descargas
golden_fleece 1.0.1
Golden Fleece lets you validate, normalize, set up defaults for and provide getters for...
92.428 Descargas
hal-interpretation 1.9.1
Declarative creation of ActiveModels from HAL documents.
43.675 Descargas
seapig-server 0.2.3
Seapig is a master-slave object sharing system.
34.110 Descargas
swagger-dsl 2.0.5
Swagger (OpenAPI 3) DSL
28.845 Descargas
seapig-client 0.1.4
25.329 Descargas
mlb_stats_api 0.4.0
MLB has a new Stats API!
14.293 Descargas
greyscale_record 1.0.3
An ActiveRecord-like interface for reading from & queryeing flat data interfaces
10.552 Descargas
fn-salesforce 0.2.2.pre
CLI Tool and Adaptor for working with Salesforce. Intended to be used in conjuncti...
8.631 Descargas
seapig-client-ruby 0.2.2
6.698 Descargas
greyscale_rails 0.0.2
Rails integration with GReyscale platform tools: setup, environment management, plugins
4.718 Descargas