hanami-router 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hanami-router
hibana 0.2.1
A small rack-based web application framework.
131,886 下載
inferno_core 0.5.0
Inferno Core is an open source tool for testing data exchanges enabled by the FHIR stan...
67,533 下載
hanami-api 0.3.0
Extremely fast and lightweight HTTP API
52,838 下載
fasta 0.3.2
Rack Server API
32,492 下載
web_fetch 0.5.0
Fetches HTTP responses as batch requests concurrently
15,979 下載
tachiban 1.0.0
Tachiban provides simple password hashing for user authentication with Argon2 for Hanam...
11,630 下載
tachiban 1.0.0
Tachiban provides simple password hashing for user authentication with Argon2 for Hanam...
11,630 下載
rokku 0.7.0
Rokku is a small authorization library for Hanami projects.
7,045 下載
rokku 0.7.0
Rokku is a small authorization library for Hanami projects.
7,045 下載
rack-thor 0.1.0
Schema design for NoSQL applications
2,116 下載
kraftwerk 0.1.1
Framework for crafting JSON APIs with style
1,691 下載